Help for spouses at the hospice.

  • 2 replies
  • 1 subscriber

Hi everyone, just wanted to tell you about the help my husband has received at my hospice, he has had 4 sessions of therapy which consisted of reflexology, massage and reiki and he has been offered counselling sessions as well. Even though he keeps it well hidden I know he has suffered stress due to my illness but expresses it in a different way to me. It’s been a great comfort to me that he has been recognised worthy of support as he is a crucial part of my care. so if these services are available at your local hospice I hope my positive experience might encourage you to suggest it to your partners as they do such a fantastic job for us.

best wishes 


  • FormerMember

    Hi Jane

    It is so important that spouses get help too. Mine refused. Had a break down. Ended up having an affair with his ski instructor and leaving me and our two teenage daughters for her. I’m really glad your husband has been brave enough to accept help 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Dear daloni, I’ve read several accounts recently describing the behaviour of unsupportive husbands and partners, they are good with the practical stuff but run away from their feelings, I’m lucky that my husband can provide both even though it doesn’t come naturally to him to display emotion.