Make sure your talking to the right person.

  • 3 replies
  • 3 subscribers

My husband who is my sole carer has a rule that before setting out to get advice make sure your talking to the right person. So although I am a haematology patient my doctor is not a expert on pain relief and any advice he can give me is quite limited, so this is why engaging with palliative services is important as your cancer progresses. I had the most illuminating conversation with my hospice palliative care doctor about my pain control, I discovered that there are many other drugs than I’d previously been prescribed that as a patient with dialysis dependant kidney failure would be much more effective for me, mainly because they are cleared by the liver rather than the kidneys. My kidney doctor is a little bit better as he seems to have some basic knowledge about my type of cancer, it’s why you almost have to be your own consultant and pick and choose who to get your guidance from. So never be afraid to seek out the experts as it can definitely bring results.   

  • Thank you, this is really great advice


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  • Hi @Lowedal,

    It had struck me recently that although I can come to this group as I joined it before the web update happened, it does not show in the list of groups under cancer experiences. So effectively it is an unused group, as you can see by the lack of posts. In the past before the website changes there was a discussion on the Incurables group about whether this should be a separate group or not, and McMillan did say they would try it out as separate and review. Is it time to remove it from the site?

  • Hi 

    I initially responded to the very first post (above) here because it had been posted some time ago, was unanswered, and I truly believe that the advice given is as relative now as it was then. I do though think that it caused some differences of opinion and for that I am saddened, I did not want to invade the forum, just to bring to the forefront a very important message.

    I do not know how well the actual 'Living With' forum functions day to day, as I don't review it very often, I review the unanswered posts though and there are rarely unanswered ones for this particular forum. I have checked under cancer experiences this evening and this forum is there, it is not under Groups though, but I cannot say whether it has always been that way. 

    I wonder what other's thoughts are regarding removing it, I had personally thought a week or so ago that there are some strong relationships and chat in the 'Living With' forum, it is a fantastic space for support, but that is based on limited time reviewing posts.

    Take care 


    Edit : I didn't notice this before I posted, I hope everyone can contribute some feedback as requested for this forum

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    Tomorrow is not promised but it always has potential. Aim for your potential!