4 years on

  • 5 replies
  • 26 subscribers

I have a terminal brain tumour, sorry forgot the medical term. I cannot remember nothing how this started, hospital, etc. All I can nearly five years okay fighting to go home after being in hospital for over three months. Back then the horrible cancer left it scars of could hardly sit up, do nothing for myself and the constant was giving me three months. With support of family and Ex wife managed to get home with a care plan in place. As things went on starting to regain some more function etc. 

Now I have turned 60, moved to a one bedroom flat, looking after myself planning housekeeping, cooking dinner etc. At present walk with a stick very wobbly, and have started a new chapter to my life. One piece missing but have a lovely family and brilliant grandkids. One of the worst things is not being able to drive and cannot walk very far on my own.

But have knocked a great hole in their verdict of three months. I take one day at a time. My days don’t very much know, but taking one day at a time helps. With aid of NHS app can now go about ordering my drugs. Filling my day’s boxes and being able to control what I’ve got and ordering repeat prescriptions etc. 

so I apparently have had a rough ride for three plus years, but no memory does help and today has been good doing some cleaning today.

  • Hi  

    I'm sorry to read of your diagnosis and the challenges it brings, the difficulties in mobilising and not being able to drive and get out and about. However, I think you are doing really well, to be living alone and especially, managing your own medication and cleaning. Your family sound like they are good support for you. Would they be able to take you out somewhere when the weather gets better? It may be worth asking at your GP surgery about applying for a wheelchair. I think you're doing great and I like your positive outlook. Take care.

    A x

  • My Son takes lives the closest so I go over with the family for Sunday dinner. Hoping to go with Dawlish Community to a local shopping mal. 

  • That sounds great, enjoy your Sunday lunch and your shopping trip.

  • Hi One2many

    You are amazing and have made the best of a very difficult circumstance. You sound so positive and it is great that you are managing so well living alone. Being able to take control of your own life makes such a difference to quality of life and your family sound so supportive which must be a big help.

    Wishing you many more happy years.



  • Thank you so much for your kind words. I’m lucky at the moment my cancer is treating me well so I can do this. A big hug to my dad taught me to cook? His career was a builder but was a cook in the army went he done his national call up. 
    Like I said memory’s is the worst thing at the moment. But it nice to share things on this platform.  Hope you keep going as well, sounds you been through the mill with this horrible experience. Sounds like you’re family support is good, my youngest is expecting in April that will six brilliant grandchildren.

    All the best.