CT Scan results

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I had a CT Scan last week on my lungs as on my left lung it was discovered I had a spot or growth or something so tiny they couldn’t do anything that was in 2018 since then I’ve had a CT Scan every year and normally just get a letter in post from hospital saying they would be keeping an eye on it by a follow up scan in 12 months time. Today I got a phone call to say that my doctor at the hospital would like to see me on Friday I explained that I hadn’t received a letter about this appointment and the person I spoke to knew but said it would be ok to come without a letter. Am I jumping the gun? Or would my doctor want to see me to discharge me instead of sending a letter? Or do you think my doctor would like to see me because I haven’t seen her for about 2 years now because of covid, I don’t know what to think? Am I reading to much in this and it’s only Monday night now and Friday seems ages away, would my consultant want to see me to discharge me? I would of thought she would just do it by letter, or is it to say the growth has grown again more in a year and can now have a biopsy done on it? I don’t know what to think please can anyone help take care love Yvonne xx

  • Hi again , oh it’s easy to add 2+2 and get 5…… then the battle between the ears starts to catastrophise every possibility.

    I also had ‘something’ show up on my lung over 6 years ago a few months after me three years of treatment (see my profile)…… although I have lived with Asbestosis that in itself has been stable for a good number of years but like yourself I was getting regular scans with no changes.

    My Respiratory Consultant is actually a very good friend so he used to ‘get me in’ but it was a good excuse for a chat but I now have been discharged.

    Until you are told there is actually a problem there’s not….. I know it sounds simple but based on my 23 years journey with my my rare blood condition this has proved to be a good mindset as over these years I have had both calls to say “no problems” but also a phone calls saying “sorry but you have an appointment first thing tomorrow”…….. when my consultant friend told me I was discharged he could have told me over the phone but he felt it was better for me to come in and take time to unpack the reasons why I was being discharged…..((hugs))

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

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