Aftercare feel lost

  • 8 replies
  • 32 subscribers

Hello everyone 

I  was just wondering if others have had difficulties with getting  a face to face appointment with their GP?  I'm having the last of my treatment currently after a year of chemo,  surgery and radiotherapy ; just about to have last Herceptin (18th) but I'm dreading leaving the  unit mostly because trying to get help from GP sorry to get past a receptionist is hell Sweat smile

For example the chemo unit advised I emailed GP to request blood tests as pale and fatigued.  Received a reply saying I'd have to book online which I tried to do, no appointments, phoned them,  told to book online after a month had telecom with  Doctor, bloods done  and  I was discovered to have undetectable  Vitamin D.

I was given  3 months supply of high level Vitamin D but don't know what next steps  are, also  seem to be unable to empty bladder fully.  Again chemo have  said  I need to physically see doctor but again today, it was no, and questioned who said  I need to see GP and have  I got a letter to state this. 

Any advice would be greatly appreciated Pray 

Thank you x


  • Hi . I suppose every doctors is different. My husband recently had a telephone appointment to discuss a shoulder injury and has been referred for an ultrasound off the back of the telephone call. My daughter rang them about a knee problem and got a face to face appointment same day!

    I also had low calcium and vitamin d levels after my stoma reversal and was put on a high dosage tablet for a month. I now take a daily tablet but just a cheap over the counter one from the supermarket - my doctor says it is the 1 vitamin that she insists all her family takes.

    With regard to the bladder issue - do you explain what the problem is when you ring up or do you insist on seeing a doctor? It may be that a nurse practitioner could see you and test your sample and prescribe antibiotics if necessary? 

    Hope you’re able to get sorted

    Take care

    Karen x

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm
  • Hi ....... First has your post cancer care been officially been transferred to your GP from the Hospital?....... this can make a difference.

    I can't say I have problems getting face to face appointments with my GP. if I feel it is urgent I can ring at 8am and most likely get an appointment on the day.

    But for ongoing bloods and general post treatment check-ups these are done by our GP Surgery Nurse Practitioners then test results are always reviewed by the GP and appointments are set up if required.

    I have a 3 monthly check in with my GP but we do this over the phone and where required she will get me in normally no more than 2-3 days later.

    I think you may need to talk with your Hospital Team to get them to communicate with your GP as to what they are looking for them to do and as to the time frame these things should be done.

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • Thank you Karen for your reply.  I always do start off can I make a face to face with GP or nurse pracSharktitioner.  I think to be honest it's very much post code lottery regarding appointments.  I have managed to book an appointment with paramedic practitioner in two weeks

    Take care,


  • Hi, thank you for your response.  From my understanding my post cancer care will not be down to GP, but a specialist nurse as & when.  I have made an appointment to see paramedic practitioner in 2 weeks.  I think it is very much post code lottery re seeing GP.

    Take care

    Bolly x

  • Hi Bolly49,I feel for you,I have had the same sort of problems.It’s stress that you don’t need.I hope your paramedic practitioner appointment is helpful.Best wishes Jane x

  • Hi Winkers60, I know it's a weird thing to say but doesn't it make you feel better to know you are not alone with something like this.  So thank you for saying.Sun with face Take care of yourself , Bolly xx

  • Hi Bolly,Yes it does.I could have written your post.We had an awful receptionist at the health centre and dealing with her was so stressful.I wish I had complained as I had so much hassle after my surgery.I’d change practices like a shot if I could drive.Take care,Love Jane xx

  • Hi Bolly49. Could you not walk into your doctor’s surgery and speak to the receptionist face to face. I don’t know if this is allowed. I have had mental issues since being diagnosed nearly 2 years ago. It’s mostly always telephone appointments but as we have moved a bit more out of lock down I have requested face to face. The doctor phoned and I have the last two appointments face to face. I’m sorry just seen this post so I hope you have been sorted. Xx