Just finished active treatment

  • 4 replies
  • 29 subscribers

Hi everyone, i was diagnosed with breast cancer last September , I've had a lumpectomy then a mastectomy and have just finished radiotherapy and on Hormone therapy for 5 years. I just wondered if anyone else felt extremely emotional once active treatment had finished. I'm finding I'm back to being tearful like i was at the beginning (is this even normal lol). I'm aiming to go back to work on the 4th April too , I've been off since October last year and i really don't know if its the right time, i just feel that its something i should do because the treatment has finished.

Any advise is welcome please  

  • Hi, , welcome, I'm afraid I can't directly help (wrong cancer!)  but I did stay at work. Do you need to go to work for money or social? Saying its something you should do, is maybe not quite the right answer!!


    This link might help with your thought process, I also gave it to my boss to read. Stay in touch, and good luck!

  • Hi  and a second welcome to this little corner of the community.

    I see my friend  has highlighted the excellent paper for you to read. It accurately highlights the post treatment milestones.

    Have you look for support groups where you can ‘talk’ with people?

    Do check to see if any Local Macmillan Support in your area has opened up. Do also check out for a local Maggie's Centre in your area as these folks are amazing.

    I have been in my incurable blood cancer journey for over 22 years now but eventually achieved my first long term remission back in Sep 2016……. the first remission that had lasted longer than 6-9 months….. so I am living the dream.

    It does take time and some perseverance to navigate the post treatment journey but you will get there…… setting goals is important and if going back to work can help you move on then great but do make sure you have talked this through clearly with your employer so that they understand the big step this is for you….. some people have actually printed off the paper and given it to their employer for them to understand better the challenges you are dealing with.

    Do cone back with your thoughts on what stood out in the paper ((hugs))

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • Hi,  how are you doing? Just wondering if you'd come to any decision! Take care

  • Hi Gemmary, I went to see my breast care nurse so she could check my skin over after radiotherapy and she advised to stay off for another couple of weeks to help my skin settle as its quite red and a little sore , so will attempt to go back after easter on a phased return. 

    Thanks for the check in xx