Hot Flushes - any recommendations other than HRT

  • 2 replies
  • 30 subscribers

Hi everyone.

Firstly apologies for the waffle !! - I am now 6 months post Endometrial cancer surgery (everything was removed) and thankfully clear of it still, but in the last month I have noticed an increase in having hot flushes and occassional fatigue.

I was post menopausal for a good few years before surgery (i'm 61), then had hot flushes again caused by the cancer in my womb, so thought after surgery this was now a thing of the past. I have asked my Nurse at my 3 month check up about this and she reassured me this can still happen, and that unless it gets worse then we would wait until my 1 year post surgery check for review, and if still an issue would refer me to a Consultant.

HRT is an obvious option, but I am trying to stay away from that if possible. I have googled, used the NHS web site and other sites for any common suggestions and am confused (or to be honest brain-overloaded) trying to get some ideas on more natural ways to decrease or manage the problem, or alternative medications.

I would welcome anyone's experience or recommendations - tshirts in the freezer and bottles of cold water in the fridge are using up valuable food space :)

Thank you, Deb