Transfer of aftercare

  • 2 replies
  • 29 subscribers

Hello all,

My first post here! I had womb cancer surgery back in October 2020 followed by brachytherapy at Northampton General (we lived in Milton Keynes). I've been seeing gynae and oncology there every 3 months but have now moved to north-west of England. My next checkups are in Milton Keynes (by phone) and have been trying to get care transferred to NHS Trust up here without success. My GP directed me towards the local hospital, whose gynae department is being restructured and has no oncology service. Next appointment there was over six months away. I contacted Macmillan Info Centre, who were very helpful but unable to arrange transfer. They've suggested I ask the gynae consultant in Milton Keynes to transfer me to NHS Trust of my choice up here - does anyone have any experience of this sort of issue that they can share? I'm worried who I should contact if I have signs of recurrence...


  • Hi and welcome to this corner of the Community.

    As I am in Scotland our system could well be different so lets look for folks with first hand experience to pick up on your post.

    You obviously need your records transferred. In my mind your existing Consultant (Health Board) should be able to transfer all your records to your new nominated hospital/health board/ consultant. Or do you find a new nominated hospital/health board/ consultant and ask them to request your records????

    Up North all our medical recored as kept on a central system. I have not moved my care between Health Boards but my treatment has been done by two Health Boards so I can have scans done or even a simple blood test done in Inverness and 30mins later be on a video call with my team in Glasgow reviewing the results as they are all to be found on my medical porthole.

    I hope you can navigate this soon ((hugs))

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • Thanks Mike - I'll talk to the consultants next week and see what they have to say. I know the records systems aren't always linked: my consultant in Milton Keynes sent a letter to me and my new GP but the new GP practice never received their copy and it wasn't on my record when I went to see them (I gave the GP a copy of my copy of the letter from the consultant). All very convoluted and not what you need when still anxious post-cancer.

    Would be great to hear of others' experiences.
