Hello new to the group

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Hello  I'm nikki I live in  Dagenham Essex  I was diagnosed with breast Cancer last year and had surgery to remove the lump in my breast in around August and started my radiotherapy treatment at the end of 2021 and still in treatment now iv found this website helpful and the groups are full of welcoming friendly people this is a place to get surpport and advice and share your experience with cancer and treatment s also on how to mange after treatment has finished  iv just joined this group been on this website for a while now I am joined also to breast Cancer group and other 

  • Hi Nikki  and welcome to this little corner of the Mac Community. 

    I see the cancer journey being in three parts. The diagnosis part is often is very stressful then we move onto treatment, that part you are basically a passenger on a rollercoaster you just don’t want to be on……. then once treatment is over and you are only being seen at post treatment checkups the final part of the journey starts.

    Many people can move on with life but for some this part of the journey is as challenging as the first two parts.

    This group will be here along with the other groups you have joined to help you navigate the various bumps that may come along on the road.

    Do remember that the Macmillan Support Line is open 8am-8pm (timings may differ across services) 7 days a week on 0808 808 00 00 or via Webchat and Email too. This service provides cancer information, practical information, emotional support, benefits/financial guidance or just a listening ear. You may also find our Ask an Expert section helpful but do allow a few working days for a reply.

    Talking to people face to face can help a lot but during these strange times it’s not that available but do check to see if any Local Macmillan Support in your area has opened up. Do also check out for a local Maggie's Centre in your area as these folks are amazing.


    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

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