Tamoxifen vs letrozole

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  • 30 subscribers

Hi all 

my consultant has decided to take me off tamoxifen as I have reached my 5th year and wants me to have blood test to see if I’m post menaposal now. If so she thinks a change in my medication would be good for me. I feel so nervous about the change. Has anyone else changed medication ? Xxx

  • Hi I haven't changed yet but I have been told that after about 2.5 years on Tamoxifen I will change to Letrozole for the same reason as you.

    I don't think there is anything to be worried about, there are lots of ladies on here who are on letrozole and are doing fine on it.  

    I was told that while on tamoxifen for 2.5 years it will increase my bone density and then when I switch to letrozole for the remaining 2.5 that will decrease my bone density leaving me back at the bone density I started with.

    I vaguely remember a lady saying she was switched from letrozole to tamoxifen for a bit in order to improve her bone density so I guess the doctors keep an eye on how our bodies are doing and switch meds accordingly.

    Hope all goes well with the switch.