Maggie’s, what is it like?

  • 9 replies
  • 31 subscribers


 I hope everyone is good.

The title I put on this post is what it says, Maggie’s, What is it like?

 I am going to cancer hospital on Thursday to the late effects clinic and Maggie’s centre is next door and I will pop in there but I am wondering what is it like in Maggie’s in general? 

I guess they are nice and welcoming but I could really do with someone to talk to as I have been going through a lot of cr*p over the last couple of weeks. 

Sending you love and good vibes,

  • Hi . We have a Maggies Centre in Inverness and I have been making use of a number of their services for the past 6 years or so.

    One on one support with amazing staff who cover many aread of the cancer journey, group support sessions, weekly keep fit group that includes lunch, cancer type sir if IV support groups so I attend a very good monthly Heamatology group that is often attended by the hospitals Specialist Heamatology Nurse, an open ‘Kitchen Table’ where you can drop in for a cuppa, talk with other folks on their journey or have a moment with the amazing staff.

    I have actually been involved in some filming some online information that helps people understand chemotherapy, radiotherapy.

    You will ‘get’ my appreciation Wink

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • Hi Mike ,

    Thank you for your reply and I knew you had been to Maggie’s and found them helpful.

     I am looking forward to going there but I feel some trepidation. I worry they won’t like me or think I am stupid or horrible. I guess I will find out this week.

    Thank you again, your reply is much appreciated.

    Love and good vibes,

    Lisa x



  • Hi Lisa , go with an open mind.

    There is no chance they will think you are stupid, horrible or won't like you....... we all love you on here so that must mean something about you and that without actually getting to meet you Heart eyes

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • Hi Mike ,

    Thank you for your lovely and kind message. This is something I could do with. 

    People don’t like me. I have been “ghosted” by two so called “dear friends” over the last month. I don’t know why even though I have asked and they didn’t even reply, so I guess that says a lot about me.

     I will try and have an open mind when I visit Maggie’s but I shall see how I get on.

    Thank you for being a friend,

    Lisa x



  • If people have ghosted you they are not worth your energy. I think cancer shows you the people in your life that matter and filters out the ones that dont. 

    It tought me that close family are everything and made us closer  

    I now live life for me, doing things that matter 

    Be a little selfish and focus on you. 

    All the best xx


  • Hello ,

    Thank you for your reply.

    People dropped me when I was diagnosed 7 years ago. And now a couple of more have. The more recent ones are the very ones who say (to me) “I love you my beautiful friend” and have treated me in the same way. 

    I am done with them but I want to know why they have treated me this way? They don’t know each other, so it’s not that.

    Lisa x



  • Sometimes people expect us to have moved on after the cancer treatment but everyone has to take their own time. I don’t know what your situation is but it’s good to concentrate on positive things. Ask others how they are instead of talking about yourself. I found Maggie’s were brilliant, not just the professionals there but listening to others in the same situation was really enlightening and put things into perspective for me. You will never know unless you try. Good luck

  • Hi ,

    Thank you for your reply and sorry I have taken a while to reply, I don't log in everyday.

    Thank you for your advice.

    I agree with everything you have said. People expect me to all fine and hunky dory and with everything I have going on (in my profile), I worry a lot. I try to be positive but sometimes I wobble and I get very scared. I am bitter and scared, I try not to be but I guess that's the way it. 

    I haven't been into Magge's but I will build up the courage.

    Sending you love and good vibes,



  • Lisa, - this is sad. Sometimes friends don't know what to say. They feel awkward and don't want to say the wrong thing so say nothing and stay away. To my friends  I said ask me what you like about my Stoma- or nothing at all. I am so fortunate with my friends- only one melted away. I try and keep it not too heavy. They all support me and are real treasures. Possibly with you - they are not good friends if they can't stick around during the tough times. 

    "don't think about tomorrow"