Results day tomorrow

  • 5 replies
  • 29 subscribers

So results day is tomorrow, but , I went to gp yesterday and they have copy of the second mri results. Apparently there’s an area of concern and radiology have recommended a pet ct scan to check for any spread. So here I am trying to prepare for possible bad news tomorrow and somehow get ready for another battle . I feel a bit numb but I’m not ready to give up I can and will do this 

  • Hi  sorry to hear this….. I have basically been told these very words “there’s an area of concern and radiology have recommended a ct scan to check for any spread” before and yes it did result in some treatment but it was all precautionary and indeed on other occasions all a false alarm.

    So go with an open mind, make sure you understand clearly what is being said and what the plan is to move this forward.

    Do come back and tell us how you get on ((hugs))

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • Thank you for your reply , will definitely go with open mind . Will let you know how I get on once I processed what they say 

  • I’ve only gone and done , got the second all clear. One more scan in three months then “just” the regular checks. My emotional bag pulled me in deep this last few days so I popped into Macmillan whiHearte at the hospital and they recommended a counselling course . I will definitely be signing up for that once I get the email . Thanks again for your support Heart

  • Great news Julie and well done looking into counselling. It is so important to get on top of the battle between the ears.

    Do remember that this group is always around to help out.

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • I’m not sure I anything between the ears if I’m honest , seriously though thank you for your support . I dont know where I would be  if I hadn’t found the online community x