Managing long term radiation enteritis

  • 8 replies
  • 30 subscribers

Hi there. I wonder if there is any advice out there for dealing with long term radiation enteritis on a day to day basis.

I had chemo, radio and brachytherapy for cervical cancer about 10 years ago. I got the acute diarrhoea during the last few weeks of radiation, which cleared up gradually after treatment finished.

My cancer seems to be all gone and I have now been discharged from UCLH. However, over the last few years the symptoms of radiation enteritis have developed and seem to be getting worse. I my case it manifests as acute diarrhoea, every day, most mornings involving 4 or 5 urgent trips to the loo until I feel like I have had some sort of violent and total colonic irrigation!! I am taking 2 loperamide daily just so I can have a "normal" life. 

I have seen some diet lists of what to avoid, etc. Is there anyone out there who can give me a definitive list of what I can eat / must not eat to get this under control? Long haul travel is on my to-do list next year and, as always, I worry about managing things whilst travelling.

As my consultant said at one point ..... "radiation - the gift that keeps on giving!"

Also - are there any alternative therapies that I can try?

  • Hi ,

     I was diagnosed with radiation enteritis in April this year.

    I rang my GP and I was referred to a dietitian. I am now on a special diet. The list of foods you are allowed to have and there is also a list of foods to avoid is comprehensive.

     I would advise you to contact your GP and ask to be referred to a dietitian, plus you may need vitamins and nutritional supplements. Plus your GP may refer you to a Gastroenterologist to help you manage your symptoms.

     I am sorry I can’t give anymore information than I have, as I am not medically trained and I think it would be a good idea to speak to someone who knows about you and your circumstances. Please also ask your GP about any safe alternative therapies too.

    Wishing you luck,




  • Thanks for this, Lisa. I will speak to my GP (when I can get through!)

    Toni x

  • Hi ,

    Your GP is the best starting point. I do agree about getting through.

    The dietitian will help you and will a gastroenterologist. I would also ask about treating the enteritis side of things. I am not on anything for it but I do believe there is some form of medicines but you do have to ask.

    Sending you good vibes,

    Lisa x



  • Hi  and welcome to our little corner of the community. I am pleased that Lisa  has picked up on your post and given you some great help.


    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • Hello ,  

    Did you speak to your GP? How did you get on?. I forgot to ask you, when were you diagnosed with radiation enteritis? Sorry if you think I am being nosy.



  • I called the health centre. They have a dietician. He is going to call me ASAP. I was astonished how easy that was and feeling rather stupid that I didn't think to ask before now. 

    I finished treatment 10 years ago and the symptoms have been creeping up on me over the last few years. 

    The consultant radiology person said she would refer me to the gastro team if I asked, but I would rather try to manage it through diet (and loperamide) and avoid a whole raft of tests that'll probably tell me what I already know.

    I will keep the option in reserve I guess.

  • Well done Toni, see the benefits of being in the group Wink

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • Hi ,

    Well done (for getting through) and hopefully the dietitian will contact you soon and get something sorted for you.

