What is a left subpectoral lymph node that is PER positive?

  • 1 reply
  • 28 subscribers

please can anyone answer my question of 

what does it mean and what is 

a left subpectoral lymph node that is PET positive? 
best wishes 


  • Hi Yvonne  as you know we are not in anyway qualified but it would be simple to Google this but as always this can throw up so many answers that only a medical professional can relate to your medical condition.

    PET positive

    Suggests the PET scan has shown something that needs to be checked out further.

    left subpectoral lymph node

    Is very specific…..

    You may want post your question to our Cancer Nurse Team in our Ask an Expert section, but do allow two working days for replies from our expert team.


    Mike (Thehighlander)

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