Hospital Appointments

  • 4 replies
  • 28 subscribers

Hiya - I'm not sure if this is okay to post here or of I have the correct forum. 

I have had a diagnosis of Follicular Lymphoma back in 2014.

I have been off work on and off since March 2020 with sickness various health issues. I have lost two jobs through on going problems I have had. I have had to wait months for appointments to see specialists and have been delayed due to Covid. Like most of us I have just had to wait. I left my job 2 weeks ago as it wasn't a good a place to work as my mental health has detoirated due to the hell of year we have had with ongoing issues and not being able to get appointments.

I was going to take some time off and try to get my health sorted out but after 2 weeks of being shut in with hardly any contact with anyone and I just cannot afford not to work. It just adds fuel to the fire.

I have secured another job which I am looking forward to starting but in the meantime I've had an appointment come through for 2 weeks after I start. How do I drop this bombshell on them as soon as I start. I propose to make up the time in order to attend any appointment that comes up but my anxiety and worrying about asking them is a worry for me. 

Your suggestions would be gratefully received   Thank You x 

  • Hi again , we have talked before in the past in the Follicular lymphoma group.

    I always feel honesty is the best route. Your employer must support you due to the employment protection that people with cancer are protected under and as you are offering to make up the time you are being proactive. You won’t be the only employee that needs to go to hospital ((hugs))

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Thehighlander

    Hi Highlander, good to hear from you again - I hope all is well with you and your family. 

    Thank you for your reply, I really wanted to be honest with them and I felt it was the right way to go. I didn't really want to tell them about the cancer diagnosis as I've told employers previously and felt it had an impact on me losing a couple of jobs. 

    I may tell them a bit further down the line, I just feel it puts me in an uncomfortable position as soon as I start. 

    I was thinking of emailing them tomorrow, as I don't start until Tuesday and explain that an appointment has come through but its a couple if weeks away and ask if it would be okay to leave early that day and work my lunches. 

    I feel such a fraud, unreliable and embarrassed at the thought of telling them. Confused

    Thanks Highlander 

  • You do what feels right for you. The most important thing to remember is that if you don't want to mention that you're a cancer survivor you don't have to.

    But I would consider telling them about your appointment as everyone has health issues at some point in time - wishing you all the best.

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Thehighlander

    I will - thank you Mike 

    I wish you well!