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I had a partial Nephrectomy Jan 2018 and luckily needed no further treatment. I’ve had 2 clear checks and am due my 3rd year this month. I consider myself extremely as the Cancer was only discovered during tests for another health issue I had an ultrasound and CT scans and was diagnosed with a kidney cyst. I had a follow up a year later but unfortunately it was unclear whether it was anything more sinister and I should have had an MRI scan but it was misfiled or missed and it wasn’t until about 4 months after that I called just to confirm everything was ok with the ultrasound as I hadn’t heard that the error was discovered x Within a week I had an MRI was told it was a 50/50 chance of Cancer and referred to Guys. The rest as they say is History. 
The problem I’m having is I now worry that it’ll happen again. That any new symptoms I have are the bigC . I’ve recently had an ultrasound and they’ve forms a stone in the bile duct but I keep thinking what if it isn’t? What if it’s the c back? Now I have a disgusting’growth’ on my finger that has changed and grown at an incredible rate over the last 6 weeks. It started as a splinter type of thing back in the Summer That was sore and scabbed and would bleed and heal and so on. Then it went away completely until 6 weeks ago x 2 weeks on and I contacted my doctor who did a 2 week referral which I had over the phone and sent photos x I had a face to face last Friday and expected it to be removed but am being referred urgently to Broomfield Hospital to see a plastic Surgeon  They would normally have taken a biopsy but have referred me straight away. I know it’s probably nothing to worry about but I can’t help it 

please tell me I’m not the only one that feels this way? Health wise I have so much going on and take lots of medication it really affects me mentally. I can’t help it but I do feel like a Drama Queen. Sorry for the War and Peace Post x

  • Hi  and welcome to this corner of the site.

    No drama queen, going through a cancer journey and ‘trying’ to navigate the post treatment life is a challenge, one that the NHS have not been able to get together well.

    I was diagnosed with an incurable Lymphoma back in 1999...... multiple relapses but have now been in remission since Sep 2016 so actually rather happy with this..... will it comeback?....... there’s a good chance but it’s not something that I let dictate my life. (Hit my name to see my story)

    You may find it helpful to make a cuppa and have a look at this great paper as it highlights the post treatment milestones.

    After Treatment Finishes - Then What? by Dr Peter Harvey

    Always around to listen and talk.

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

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