10 weeks post op

  • 4 replies
  • 31 subscribers

Hi I had a full hysterectomy on the 21st December last year. I don't need any further treatment. i have been having nightmares about all of the tests I had to undergo as I have other health problems which made it difficult. Recently I have started to feel really irritated by things random things that don't matter. its almost pre menstrual tension type of thing. I am post menopause before surgery. does anyone else have this? Will it go away? thank you in advance for your support.

  • Hi  and welcome to this corner of the Community....... I am in no way qualified regardless the books I could read to help you out...... Smirk but there are others in the group will come along and help you out I am sure.


    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • Hi,

    you’re not going mad. I too had the same surgery almost 3 months ago and have been through a range of emotions since,. I had to ask my GP for some help, because my mood was low & I felt helpless. She put me in touch with Talking changes, where I’m having counselling, due to having to have cancer surgery during a pandemic, which caused me to have depression. I felt like a failure...I’d survived surgery, was given the all clear, then couldn’t cope, but the counselling is really helping me come to terms with what I’ve been through. Maybe there is something similar where you live, it may help.

    A xx

  • thank you I think i will contact my doctor and ask about any support

  • Hi I am currently experiencing this my gp refferd me for therapy I had my first appointment witch went well good luck to u on your journey xxx