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I’m now almost 7 weeks post surgery for endometrial cancer and still have very difficult days. From diagnosis to surgery it was really quick, so I didn’t get much time to come to terms with the thought of having cancer. Although I’m physically getting stronger, I’ve had a few setbacks, where I think I’m not doing as good as I should be. Every little twinge I have a panic that something is wrong, or I’ve overdone things.

Mentally I feel scared quite a lot, not sure if it’s all due to lockdown and not getting back to normality, or if it’s due to the surgery. I’ve never been a particularly depressed person, and always managed to see the positive in each day, but not now. 
I know at some point I’ll need to return to my job, but just can’t see that happening yet. My manager is supportive, but I feel so guilty that after 7 weeks I’m still no closer to being ready to return.

can anyone advise me of  any online resources that may help me to cope better?

thank you Andi x

  • Hi Andi  and welcome across to this little corner of the Community. I see you have already connected in on some of the other areas of the Community - well done.

    7 weeks out from cancer treatment/surgery is no time in the big picture of the post treatment recovery. 

    I have been on my cancer journey for over 21 years now. I am in remission but no cure for me will be available but I think I have been able to get into the position of being able to live with my cancers rather than being defined by it.

    You may find it helpful to make a cuppa and have a look at this great paper  After Treatment Finishes - Then What? by Dr Peter Harvey.

    Have a read and get back to us with your first thoughts about what it said to you.

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • Thank you for your words.

    This is my second cancer journey, I had bladder cancer in 2010, and moved on with my life pretty well afterwards. This time feels different, I’m not sure if it’s because this is my second one. 
    im trying my best to feel positive, but finding it a bit harder this time.

    Andi x

  • Hi Anbi, yes I can totally understand the challenges around getting your head into gear to move life forward.

    I have had multiple relapses over my years so got used to getting bad news and having to pick the remnants up and move on but I am now over 4 years into remission from a condition, that in 1999 I was told was incurable, yes treatable but would never be in remission...... so I am living the dream especially as if the final set of treatment did it work my clock would have ran out 5+ years ago.

    Just this afternoon I was on a monthly Maggie’s Centre Haematology Zoom Support Group. It’s great sitting talking to others who have walked the walk as it helps unpack the rucksack of stuff we all collect during our cancer journeys. It’s good to empty the ‘stuff’ on the floor and decide what I won’t pick up again.

    Maggie’s Centres are great and provide some great support, they are open for private one on one support both in the centres and on zoom and their group sessions have also moved onto online video support groups - worth a check out.

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • FormerMember

    Hi andi, it's a horrible feeling that you just can't shake, I totally understand Pensive my journey was a very quick one, discovered a new mole in Dec last year, seen a few Dr's, delays with covid etc, the mole eventually came off in May, found out in June it was melanoma, had further surgery, then July it was gone, those 6 months were just a living hell. And as much as I rejoiced in the good news, I feel I'm still stuck in that fear. I am still living like I've been given a death sentence, the Dr's are sick listening to me now I'm sure about every lump bump and fear. I hope this feeling changes. And I hope it does for you too. Xx 

  • Hi it really is awful hearing them words I am the same feeling like am constantly phonein  the doctors and my cns over every pain think they fed up of me lol hope your ok hopefully one day will look back on this as a. Distance memory xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Xxnataliexx

    God I really hope so Pray sooner rather than later, I feel like I'm wasting my life away with worry, and it's really making mw angry now. And with covid and homeschooling with a toddler and single parenting it's tough xx 

  • Same here lol am sure we will get threw it and this home schooling Joy one day we will look back as a distance memory and see how strong we was xxx