Feel lost what or where to go now

  • 14 replies
  • 31 subscribers

I suffered a  glioblastoma in 2004 now 42 years of age not in work due to long term side effects of my treatment 

The brain and ear sinuses swell up when in wifi therefore cause alot of pain 

I feel like I should have possibly died from cancer and now feel I could maybe possibly can work but want too and due to financial constraints of not working I struggle to get on with life 

And feel when I turn anywhere to move forward and get life on track I hit a wall or health issues stop me 

So I feel lost can anyone help  or advise where you can go from here 

  • I am so sorry for what you are going through.  I don't think I can offer much help as I have only just been diagnosed but as no one had responded to you yet I wanted to say Hi and to encourage you to keep posting and reaching out to people.  Don't give up keep trying to move forward and keep reaching out.  

  • Hi , I thought I would drop in past and share my thoughts.

    I am coming up to 22 years living with my rare Incurable but Treatable blood cancer. I was told back in 1999 I would never be in remission but after many years of treatment - remission was achieved in Sep 2016.....so in some way I am living the dream.

    I had to take early retirement at 55 as my condition was making the type of work I was doing (Eduction) difficult and stressful..... but I only had a few years before my condition became very aggressive in late 2013 and was given a few years on the clock (hit my name for the story)

    Now I am 7 years on from that point when we were given that news so again living the dream...... but living with some treatment 'left overs'

    Suggestions for you?...... always hard for total strangers to give this type of advice. I am a trustee in a charity that runs two busy Community Coffee Shops. One of our commitments is to support people who are trying to get back into work after various life issues including cancer treatments and its 'left overs'

    I am in Scotland and up North there is a Government Programme called Community Jobs Scotland where folks (any age) can work in industry for a maximum of 18 months on very competitive pay to allow them to build up confidence and experience in an environment where the employers understand and give support.

    This is a hard time to be trying to move life forward but keep looking, keep pushing doors until you find one that opens up for you. 

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • All I would say is talk to your GP, speak to a MacMillan nurse or ask for advice from Citizens Advice. There is help out there and I hope you find it x

  • Will talk to doctor see what I can do all Macmillan nurse said was your life do what you want 

  • Thankyou one quick question how long do you get a Macmillan nurse for my nurse who was assigned to me left the hospital to work elseware and nobody was introduced as a replacement any ideas kind regards paul

  • Hi again .

    Even although I was discharged by my clinical team 2 1/2 years back I can still contact my Macmillan Specialist Nurse at any time but I would say each clinic/circumstance will be different.

    Just call your clinic and ask for the name of the new Macmillan Nurse if they have been able to get a replacement yet.

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • FormerMember

    Hi, I just wanted to say hello and I hope you get the help and answers you need. you are here with us, all on our journeys so you aren't alone. It's brilliant that you are reaching out for help, that in itself is a positive action. X

  • I find it does help alot being on here iam due to have further surgery due to after effects of treatment when I recover from that and all is ok then I will be taking a lot of advice on here and acting on it 

    Its lovely to hear from you and it helps alot to know your there 

    Thankyou and keep in touch 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Brainymanbar

    It's a roller-coaster, and you never know when the next dip is coming. I was just about getting my head together after been given the all clear last year, it's been a very depressing time. And sods law, as soon as I start shaking this horrible feeling, im being reffered to get a camera up my nose in the next two weeks. The fear is well and truly back. This really is sh*t. I don't want to be keep feeling sorry for myself, I hate it. 

  • I completely understand what does me is the pain and the worrying  it seems to stop you getting on with things how r u today