Moving on after breast cancer treatment

  • 2 replies
  • 29 subscribers

Hi, I'm Jo and I had breast cancer. I was diagnosed in January this year, started chemotherapy in March, finished in August. I then had a lumpectomy in September and started radiotherapy in October. My last treatment was on the 17th November.

This year has been pretty tough but I've got through it with a positive attitude. I was told they'd got all the cancer out which obviously I was over the moon about. Once my treatment had finished I was left feeling, what just happened. My brain caught up with everything that had happened and the emotions came tumbling out.

I'm now having counselling through Macmillan to deal with those feelings and find a way to move forward. I'd love to hear from other people who have had similar experiences. 

  • Hi  and a warm welcome to the Macmillan Online Community, a Community that no one really plans to see themselves joining, and so sorry to hear about your breast cancer journey.

    A month out from treatment is like a drop in the ocean on the post treatment recovery and recuperation.

    But a big well done on getting some professional help as this will help you unpack the invisible rucksack of ‘stuff’ you have collected over your treatment and still carry around with you day in day out. I have been on my cancer journey for over 21 years now so it’s all part of my life, I live with my cancer rather than being controlled by my cancer.

    You may want to make a cup of tea and look at this great paper - After the Treatment Finishes - Then What? by Dr Peter Harvey as it does highlight the milestones of the post treatment journey.

    You may also want to checkout our Breast cancer group as there are lots of folks still stay around supporting each other post treatment.

    This is a good place to unpack your thoughts as well as putting your thoughts into your profile ( see below and hit my name to get an idea) as seeing it unpacked helps lighten the load as you can appreciate how far you have come in such a short time.


    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • I found after surgery and radiotherapy that people around me as well as myself were expecting me to feel better but I just didn’t. The emotional side hit me like a ton of bricks and what was a huge help was attending face to face sessions at my local Maggie’s. I guess that option isn’t available at the moment but realising that there were people out there who understood, and had been through the same as me was a huge help. Good luck x