Feelings triggered

  • 3 replies
  • 29 subscribers

Hello All 

First time I've posted , but today just feel at a loss and not sure who to talk to . 

I had Cervical Cancer stage 3 , 26 years ago at age 33. I have been so blessed to have survived it all and see my chikdren grown and grandchildren. At the time there was no counselling or support around , and I had to learn to live again. I suffered panic attacks , and these have come back whenever I feel unsafe, but otherwise very much got on with life. 

This year my mum died of lung cancer, as well as COPD and Alzheimer's,  I had cared for her and was with her when she passed. My husband's brother also died with cancer due to asbestosis. This has been such a rotten year for so many people and I haven't been doing so good. Then this week we have found out my eldest step daughter has s brain tumour, and is in the midst of investigations , and awaiting answers.  She is only 35 with 2 young boys. 

I am feeling so upset for her and also my husband her dad, but also feel it is taking me right back to the time I was in that situation.  I feel wrong in this as it's not about me,  and I need yo support my husband and family , so don't feel I can talk to them . I just feel so unsafe and upset , I don't know what to do 

Sorry a bit long winded x 

  • , so sorry, what an awful combination of things to cope with. Of course it has all come back to you, but you cannot overburden your feelings to your husband who is so upset about his daughter. You need counselling for yourself. Have you tried the macmillan helpline? They can help, and put you forward to other centres who  do online counselling If you have a macmillan centre locally, or a maggies, they can help. I know they are still working, with COVID restrictions. You must look after yourself too. Good luck 

    Onwards and flatwards (don't do hills) and keep walking if you can!

  • FormerMember

    Hello Sukie9, just wanted to reach out to you. I'm so sorry to hear about your loss this year. I lost my Dad in May this year too.  And I was diagnosed with cancer in April too.  It's such a horrible, sad year as it is anyway, and when people like us are coping with the death of our loved ones and cancer, it's an extra thing to cope with.  I'm amazed at how strong the human body fights on and keeps calm when it really needs to.  I wish you love and strength and hope for us both. Looking forward to sunnier times in the future Xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thank you so much for reaching out Flores. I am so sorry you are having to deal with cancer on top of losing your Dad . Your right such a shit year for everyone , makes everything so much harder . 

    My step daughter has surgery on Monday , and can't have any visitors,  not even her husband or chikdren , so sad .

    I do hope things are easing for you , cancer is a battle on all levels I know . Sending you lots of love, strength and Big Hugs . 

    Bring on the sunshine eh xx