Feel like a fraud

  • 5 replies
  • 32 subscribers

I finished my breast cancer treatment last year in May. My sex drive went down the drain with my hair. My hair has come back but no sex drive...not even an urge. My poor fiance is trying so hard to be supportive but I know he has needs. I move from anger to despair in a micro second and I am losing the will to live. I feel like I am not fit to be in a relationship. I know sex isn't everything but it used to be a part of my life before cancer. I am at my wits end. We have had couples counselling and individual counselling but we are going no where. Help if you can please someone.

  • , sorry you have not had a reply yet. How very distressing for you. Have you asked your GP for help? Or your consultant? Have couples/ ordinary counselling addressed the basic problem? Discussing in more detail might be a bit delicate fir an open forum. You could PM me, but since the new site I have had great difficulty managing PMs.. You really need specialist help., and  I could explain it in greater detail for you if we could manage to communicate via message, Take care xx

    Onwards and flatwards (don't do hills) and keep walking if you can!

  • Thank you Seaspirit44 for answering me. I had a good chat with my GP yesterday and felt much better after that. I was quite desperate and she has assured me I am not weird and that how I am feeling is pretty standard. I think I was trying to bear the whole situation myself and was doing myself an injustice.  I have realized you can't make something there that isn't but there are other options. 

    I too am finding the new site difficult to manage but finally found your reply.  Thank you again for taking the time to answer me it really does mean the world to me .

    Take care.

    Love and light


  • hood luck x

    Onwards and flatwards (don't do hills) and keep walking if you can!

  • All you can do is talk, either to your fiancée or a counsellor or someone on here. It’s normal to feel different, a cancer diagnosis is life changing. Try and explore why you feel different but don’t pretend everything is ok. You will come to terms with it but it will take time x

  • I know how you feel.  Are you on any hormone treatment that could cause a drop of labido?

    I have prostrate cancer, one of the treatments is hormone because the cancer feeds off the hormones.  I’m sure your partner knows you still love him and sounds like he’s a great person.  Physical doesn’t always mean sex, I crave cuddles and just holding each other. I’m sure given time and tenderness that the time will be right again.