Am I over it?

  • 2 replies
  • 30 subscribers

I am currently doing good in relation to my work and student life. I feel like I struggle to speak to people unless its about one of my professions. Before cancer, I was a loud person, so confident but now I'm not sure what it is but I can barely hold a conversation with people.

Any advice would be highly appreciated

  • Hi  and welcome to this little corner of the Community.

    The very fact that you have searched out the Community and actually put up a post is a massively positive step and this will be a good place to have none judgemental conversations.

    You don’t say how far out from treatment you are, if you are still having some treatment and what the states is with your condition?...... this helps give some context to what we can bring to the table.

    For me (hit my name for my full story) I was diagnosed  in 1999 with a rare (skin) Lymphoma (blood cancer) and was told “Mike this is incurable but treatable but you will never see any remission”...... zoom forward to Sep 2016 after many years of treatment I was told I was in remission for the first time in over 17 years, doing great and living the dream.

    I will never be cured so I have to live with my cancer not be controlled by my cancer.

    Tells us a little more.

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • . We are all on a journey, I don’t know what stage your at, I’ve just finished initial treatment, I’m not cured but managed, I’m currently learning to be kind to myself, not to expect things to return to what they were, but to accept a new normal, accept I can no longer have the same expectations of my body or ambitions. I’m trying to reframe those negative thoughts into something more positive, stepping back from ambition has meant that I have more time for myself. My confidence was shattered, just give yourself time. Be kind allow yourself time to recover/ get used to your new normal