Is it back?

  • 4 replies
  • 29 subscribers

I finished my treatment for breast cancer just over 14 months ago. 

I have found a lump in the same breast that had the cancer. I saw the Doctor and she could feel the lump and said there was some thickening. I have been referred back to the hospital and have an appointment on Thursday...they dont waste time.

I am so on edge and lashing out at the people that l love the most. Is this a false alarm or is this number 2. I really have no idea .

  • Hi again sorry to hear you have been referred back to the hospital but good that it’s being done quickly as this is the only way to get a clear answer.

    Over my many years this happens a lot to me and yes some were relapses but more were false alarms so looking for this for you.

    My advise based on my experience is it’s nothing until it’s something - sounds simplistic but in reality it’s the truth. Worry when you actually have something definitive to worry about ((hugs)) xx

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • Thank you Highlander, you always make sense Slight smile

  • Hi Highlander thank you for your support. My little lump turned out to be nothing sinister.  A tense few days but back on track. Apart from a weird sleeping pattern, constant sweating due to having to stop HRT, and zero sex drive I'm doing ok.

    Hugs to everyone 

  • This is good news and is an integral part of developing trust in your body post treatments.

    Bad sleep patterns can be challenging, when I was working in education I lived on 4-5 hrs sleep a night, then treatment brought a crazy up sided down pattern, now in a more regular and thankfully longer routine. But can’t comment about HRT apart from a friend who is going through Prostate treatment and he also having the same sweating challenges.


    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge