Sleep or lack of it

  • 2 replies
  • 29 subscribers

Hi there. How are peoples sleep patterns after cancer? I fall asleep between 2am and 3am then get up about 11 to 11.30. If I'm having an energetic day I can get through without having an afternoon nap, otherwise I'm back in bed at about 3pm for a lie down.  Its very frustrating because I feel I am losing the whole day. 

My GP has had me try all sorts of therapies but no joy. I started a phased return to work just before lockdown and although I only worked for 4 hours twice a week I was falling asleep on the bus going into work then crying my eyes out on the way home because I was so tired.

Does anyone else have a messed up sleep pattern?


  • Hi again ...... talking a lot to day.

    Sleep is often a mystery, not only is our body messed up by treatment but our brains as we do being able to settle dow and sleep is a big challenge.

    I have no magic trick to fix this. I found that when my body said sleep I let it, but as time went on au tried not to sleep during the day and this helped get the night back into a rhythm.

    A good balanced heathy diet helps a lot. Watch what you drink after sat 6-7pm as this has a big effect.

    I do hope you find that rhythm........ it took me a few years post treatment Cry

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

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  • Thanks Mike,

    Yes I had a lot to say last night lol. I havnt been on the site for quite a while and had forgotten what a God send it is to speak to people that understand.

    At least I know my sleep pattern is not unusual and I will just have to give myself time.

    Nice chatting to you again. 

    Take care

    Janee Jan jan
