Health insurance

  • 2 replies
  • 28 subscribers

Can anyone recommend an international health insurance provider (as distinct from travel insurance) who will take on someone who has had a stem cell transplant? 

I've been calling around trying to get a quote but I haven't had any luck so far! Covid-19 doesn't seem to be an issue, but my medical history is...

I was diagnosed with non-hodgkin's lymphoma in 2016 and I had a stem cell transplant in early 2018. I'm in remission now, very well (for which I am grateful every single day), and my doctors are happy for me to move abroad once I've completed my vaccination schedule. 

My partner has been offered a two-year job in Beijing so we are exploring our options. Covid-19 is obviously a concern and we will both only go if it is safe. 

If anyone has any advice or recommendations I would be so grateful. 

  • Hi , an interesting question and if you find a company willing to give you life insurance do come back and tell me.

    I have had 2 Donor Stem Cell Transplants and I am yet to find any insurance company willing to offer anything apart from the over 50 plans, but you may have age on your side. I also have a few other minor health issues but the minute I mention SCT they turn me down.

    Sounds an amazing trip but as you know SCT does for some have a long-lasting effect on the immune system. My second Allo SCT was back in October 2015 and remission in September 2016 but was clearly told to keep my head down during the lockdown and indeed was on the shielding list.

    You could put your question to our Financial Adviser Team on this LINK and put up your question in our Stem Cell Transplant Group.

    All the best.

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Thehighlander

    Hi Mike,

    Thank you for the advice - I've done as you suggested and posted in the other groups. It's definitely still a work in progress but I will let you know if/when I have any insights! 

    I received the shielding info too but my team said I'm not in the highest risk category. It still means that I've been avoiding crowds and shops, and will continue to do so, so I'll only go ahead with the move if I feel it is safe. 

    It's great to have these forums to connect with other people, and lovely to hear from people who have had similar experiences in life.

    Best wishes,
