Moving on

  • 4 replies
  • 29 subscribers

On the 2nd June i got the letter i had been waiting for  - ‘your CT scan on the 28th May showed no evidence of metastatic disease or sinister features of any concern’ and having completed chemo at the end of April i thought ‘thats it, time to move on’.

However 3 weeks later here i am still with concerns:

Am i still supposed to be shielding and if so for how long?

Why are my feet still numb and my fingers tingling?

When can i go back to work?

What happens next - apparently i am on a surveillance plan but what does that mean?

My Surgeon, Oncologist, GP, stoma nurse and all the staff on the oncology ward at the hospital have been brilliant however at this stage there doesnt appear to be much cohesion between them, in fact it is as if they have all decided i am now no longer their concern. Dont get me wrong i am sure if i contacted any of them (not easy to do at present) they would help but i simply dont know who i should be talking to about what?

I know these are unparalleled times and i am confident that things will become clearer but is it always like this?

  • FormerMember

    Heĺlo wow congratulation to your news.Do you mind asking me what cancer you have and where did younhave the mets?And what treatment and for how long did you have it?

    I am hoping for similar newsI am just curious because I am having chemo now since August 2019 for stage 4 breast cancer.

    I am still on active treatment chemo made some tumors dissapeared and other ones keep shrinking.I have returned to work last week but only for 2 days in a week to keep my mind busy.

    Thank you



  • Hi and welcome to this corner.

    Good questions with no real answers from me apart from my experience during these crazy times. 

    If you are in England, shielding is still in place until the end of June but as you know some small changes have been put in place so if you were in this group you still are.

    Up in Scotland we all received a letter extending shielding until the end of July but this is being reviewed and people will be taken out of shielding based on everyone’s clinical assessment.

    Who should you talk with? My GP phoned me two weeks before the term Shielding was part of our language so for me I will be take my guidance from my GP...... but even although I am over 4 1/2 years post treatment I will remain in the ‘at risk’ group for a rather long time as I will not be able to have a live vaccine.

    So who do you think you could talk with and eho will give you some time?........ that would be the person I would start with.

    A lot of words and no real answers I’m afraid ((hugs))

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • Hi Janet

    I was diagnosed with T3 N1b M0 rectal cancer last October and underwent a Laparoscopic abdominoperineal excision on the 19th November. The histology revealed that some lymph nodes showed evidence of tumour deposit so I started a course of adjuvant chemo in January  - so it all happend pretty quickly.

    What also didnt help was that i had suffered a serious heart attack in January 2019 as was just coming back from that when the cancer appeared (not a good year for a 53 year old who had previously never even seen the inside of a hospital)

    Thinking about it now the pace of the cancer treatment and the residual effects of the heart attack may also partly explain why I am somewhat confused at present.

    Obviously our situations differ somewhat so not sure how relevant my experience is to yours but i wish you all the best and hope you receive some similar good news soon

  • Hi Thehighlander,

    Firstly thanks, I appreciate the welcome and the reply.

    i am in England and also work in the hospitality industry so not much chance of working anyway but my employers are keen to put something in place for my return.

    i had more or less decided to approach my GP first so will try and contact her this week, not easy as she only works 3 days