The all clear

  • 4 replies
  • 28 subscribers

What's "all clear" all about?

The end of treatment for Breast Cancer is in sight. 

I have asked several times about tests - when, which type, what they mean, ..... I still don't know what to expect. When people say they got the all clear, when does that happen? The all clear from what kind of test? How conclusive or reliable is that test?

If it is not "all clear" what are the other possibilities?

It feels like I am going to get a result for an exam that I might have missed because I don't think I prepared for it and everyone is asking me how often I get tumour marker tests and how my treatment is progressing. 

Thanks anyone if you know a bit more about 'treatment finished, now what?'


  • FormerMember

    Hi Beth

    i can see the frustration you feel of conclusion output treatment.

    Im sadly no help re breast cancer but I wondered what would happen after the “ all clear “ I was given by my oncologist, ( I had cancer 

    of the larynx ) On my last test eg camera viewing by onc he said nicely that we would be wasting each other’s time if we carried on 

    seeing each other ,which I thought was a nice way  of saying “all done all clear “This was good news but as you say what now , I was told to basically monitor myself and contact g.p. If symptoms came back.

    Also I was given the impression rightly or wrongly that I was in remission and not cured ,which I think is fair.

    Do you have a Macmillan drop in centre At your hospital, I found them to be very supportive and able to answer such questions as you pose, re end of treatment tests etc.
    I also think that treatment finished is a shock to the system and for me hard to comprehend, but 5 years on now I understand and  I am happy to accept an “all clear 
    take care Beth hope all goes great for, you see the macs if you can ..wonderful people 

  • Hi Beth, the ‘All Clear’ most likely means totally different things to different types of cancers. 

    I was told in Sep 2016 I was in remission (All clear) for the first time in over 17 years from a condition that in 1999 I was told was incurable but treatable but never would see remission from.

    Can it come back - oh yes, but it may not!! So it’s all in how I position my mind in how I choose to live this life I have been gifted.

    The specific questions you are asking need to go to your team, you could also post in the breast cancer group I see you are a member in there may be others on this group who can help you out.

    i was discharged from my team back in June 2018 with no follow ups and tests. This was rather odd after having so much treatment and face to face appointments over 19 years.

    The odd thing was my team made contact a few weeks before the COVID lockdown was mentioned and informed that I was high up the ‘at risk’ list due to my treatments. This rattled me initially but now it’s all calmed down.

    I hope you find answers to your questions.

    As you move into the post treatment world you may want to have a look at this great paper as it does highlight the milestones of the post treatment journey.


    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

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  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Yes you just never know and .... monitor 

    i really appreciate your answer

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Thehighlander

    Thanks. I passed that paper on. Helped others as well as me - was just right.