New hair!

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Hi, I finished treatment for b-cell lymphoma in early March and am growing a lot of new hair - I hope to stay cancer-free, so that I can keep it and can also work on getting my health and immunity back up; I was just wondering what people's experiences of new hair were like - mine is coming back with a lot more greys than before as well as some blonde! I'm kind of hoping it might be a bit extra wavy, too, as is the case with some people! In a way, I'm finding the focus on the new hair helps to soothe the PTSD-kind of experience that comes with having had cancer, like it's time to start enjoying more things again - does anyone else also find it helpful? Like its a kind of proof of healthiness, too? It's very reassuring to look in the mirror and see a healthier person looking back at me. Lots of love to all of you and thank you for reading this/commenting if you'd like to xxxxx