Nutrition after cancer treatment

  • 3 replies
  • 28 subscribers

Hi, I was just wondering if anyone had any nutrition tips for getting healthy after chemo? I had a type of lymphoma called Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma and had R-CHOP chemo which is very strong. I'm eager to boost my health and am fancying a lot of fish at the moment! Also getting my enthusiasm back for bigger meals and enjoying naughty treats like cake and biscuits haha! I'm enjoying exercise as well - it makes me feel good and happy, though I have to remember to pace myself! I think I have ADHD alongside my Asperger Syndrome so I'm usually pretty unstoppable!  Any nutrition tips are very welcome - thank you so much

  • Good afternoon .

    It sounds like you are doing just great and if you are feeling good then you are doing the right things - well done.

    I lost 27kgs over my treatment and lost my apatite for 3-4 months following my final treatment so we were working with a dictation to get my apatite going. So I was put on a high protein diet and eventually everything came good.

    I was then told to follow the NHS Live Well - Eat Well information. Up until mid March this year (over 4 years post treatment) I had put back on about 17kgs and doing good but little did I know that my Cholesterol was up and I had become pre-diabetic...... this was actually found in a blood test for my 4 year follow up.

    So we have revised our diet and over the last 9 weeks and I have lost about 8kgs and feeling the benefits from this. We were basically eating too much protein and sauger (Cake)..... and yes we are eating more fish.

    So back following the NHS Live Well - Eat Well.

    It's snowing up with us Astonished

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

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  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Thehighlander

    Really happy to hear that you're also eating well - protein really seems to be the thing, doesn't it! I've just ordered lots of fish in my shopping delivery and I'm also into cake like you! I will make a note of that NHS nutrition website as well - thank you and stay warm up there! No snow where we are, but very chilly and windy!

  • Hi again, the weather was better today so I have been out painting the woodwork around the gutters most of the day..... we had all 4 seasons this weekend........ Scotland is famous for this.

    As I said, a few months back my blood tests showed my Cholesterol was dangerously high and I had also become pre-diabetic so we have had to make a good number of changes to our diet.

    So Cake and Biscuits are now very much a rarity as is Rice, Pasta, Potatoes...... So we have quadrupled our Fruit and Veg, we are also having fish and shellfish 3 - 4 times a week from a local fish van that visits.

    We strayed from the initial balanced diet but are back on the road now.

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge