Horse riding

  • 2 replies
  • 28 subscribers

Hi there I had a mastectomy 14 weeks ago and am now back at work ad loving life , when is it safe to ride my horse again ?

  • Hi  and welcome to this little corner of the Online Community.

    An interesting question indeed and so am sure it would help your recovery so let’s see if anyone can help. I see you have posted the question to our nurse team - good move and as always I would say talk with your medical team.

    It is also good to talk with people who are on the same type of journey can help a lot so can I direct you to our very supportive Breast cancer Group.

    Posting in this group will open up your concerns to a wider group of people who know exactly what you are going through at the moment and even answer your question.

    Follow the link I've created, join the group, then hit ‘start a discussion’ and you are ready to go.

    You could then copy and paste the information from this first post into your new discussion or you can also join in with existing ‘discussions’ by clicking on 'reply'.

    ((Hugs)) from a safe distance. 

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Thehighlander

    Thank you for taking the time to read and reply to my txt, I feel absolutely wonderful and back to my old self having had the all clear but I am a bit cautious of riding as a very physical sport , I will take on your advise and join the other group too thank you x

    stay safe x