Weird faint feelings

  • 2 replies
  • 28 subscribers

Hello Folks

I am 42yo and 2 years post mastectomy. I had chemo before and rads after. It was stage 3 7/8 Her+. 

I am on Tamoxifen and Zoladex. And Venlafaxin to help with hot flushes. And CalcD and Zokedronic Acid drip for the bones. 

I'm doing really well, keeping busy with two jobs, long commutes (although WFH now!), and pretty chirpy. 

But I get these awful episodes where I have the same odd sensation in my chest and throat as when I am about to faint (I used to faint when I was younger.) Oddly, this happens in the evening or morning when I'm lying down. But I never actually faint, although my body seems to long to lie lower. If that makes sense?

I also have regular episodes of severe fatigue sitting ay work, just literalky struggling to keep my eyes open. That's so embarrassing! 

O and my heart sometimes races for no apparent reason - up to anout 130 bpm. (My resting heart rate is 72.)

My BP is the classic 120/80 and pretty constant. 

I sleep reasobly well, trying to go to bed at a decent time, keeping devices out of the room, leaving a window open. Just the hot flushes sometimes trouble me at the beginning of the night. 

I am not terribly active, but I try to go for regular walks, averaging 7000 steps per day. 

Should I worry? And how can I rid myself of these annoying episodes? 

Thank you lovely ones! 

  • FormerMember


    You don't mention the strength of the Venlafaxine (link) you are taking but although I'm not medically trained quite a few of the issues you mention seem to be listed as possible side effects of Venlafaxine.

    Could you have read through the patient information leaflet for your meds and see if that sort of makes sense ?

    If you are on a fairly high dose maybe reducing the dose strength would help.

    Hope this is of some help, take care, G n' J

  • Hi, I'm on the same drug and also a nurse. The type of drug venlafaxine can cause tachycardia (fast heart rate), fatigue, nausea and dizziness. 

    Unfortunately the other drugs can cause similar or different effects.

    Talk to you GP about either changing or reducing dosage which may help.

    I also have a heart condition and on beta blockers and pacemaker (I have all the luck), as well as BC, and still in my 40s lol. I'm doing well. However my doc was more than happy to put me on the venlafaxine as I'm protected by my heart meds. 

    Another thing I've noticed myself, if I delay taking the meds it brings on the dizziness fatigue nausea, racing heart etc, and urgent need to lie down and feel quite shocking. So I try to make sure I take at the same time every day. Also my dose is split into twice a day so I don't have too many side effects all at once, and im not waiting 24 hours for my next dose. 

    Drink plenty water, because feeling faint and fast heart rate can point to dehydration. So when you move or stand your body volume isn't there your blood pressure can drop a bit lower and you could also feel faint. 

    Hope you're ok xx

    Lots of hugs xx