Anal cancer & very worried

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  • 28 subscribers
I was Diagnosed with anal cancer a very big tumour & not in the common part of the anal where normally found  iin July I I also have no bladder and have a urostomy I’v had for nearly 20 years that wasn’t cancer related & I manège this well ,
I have had radiotherapy and two weeks of chemotherapy . On my first follow-up scan showed that the tumour had shrunk but not gone And it showed abnormal lymph-node’s that wasn’t on my original scan I was told I had to wait three more months but now my scan has been cancelled but have a phone consolation on 7th May but without a new scan I don’t know what they can tel me? Worrying it’s spread I’m a single mum with a disabled daughter of just 12 so with all this coronavirus & would just like some Reassurance thank you m pugg 
  • Hi  and welcome to this little corner of the Online Community, although I am sorry to see you finding us.

    These are extraordinary times in the NHS and with it has come lots of questions and how do you get answers and I can totally understand your confusion with regards to it having a scan and just a phone conversation.

    I was diagnosed with a totally different type of cancer back in 1999 and the one thing I have come to understand is consultants on the whole, know how the cancers they specialise in can develop. I am sure that if they thought it was essential that a scan be done they would do it........ but is it safer for you not to be going to hospital at this specific time?

    Why not call your Specialist Nurse or the Clinic and talk with someone about your concerns.

    Talking with people who are on the same type of cancer journey can help a lot so can I direct you to our very supportive Anal cancer group.

    Posting in this group will open up your concerns to a wider group of people who know exactly what you are going through at the moment.

    Follow the link I've created, join the group, then hit ‘start a discussion’ and you are ready to go.

    You could then copy and paste the information from this first post into your new discussion or you can also join in with existing ‘discussions’ by clicking on 'reply'.

    ((hugs)) from a distance.

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

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