Welcome to our Life after Cancer Group.

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  • 28 subscribers

A warm welcome to all those who joined us over the past months.

We are so sorry that you had to find us but that fact that you have joined the group says you may be finding this part of the cancer journey to be a challenge and it is taking for longer than you first thought to move away from cancer.

It will be helpful to connect with folks who have walked the walk especially during these very challenging times.

There is a lot of help on the group and if you go into the ‘Discussions’ tab you can see some of the topics that have been covered and if you feel you can add support to the thread or just ask questions hit the ‘Reply’ tab

You can also hit the ‘Start a Discussion' tab and set up your own discussion, introduce yourself to the group and tell us how you are doing.

If you have not done this, it would be really useful if you could put some information in your profile as this will help others when replying to you.

Just click on your username and then select 'Edit Profile' under the Profile Settings. If you're not sure what sort of thing to put just click on our forum names to get an idea.

We often use this great paper about the milestones of the post cancer journey.

We are always around to help as best as we can and walk this part with you.