Secondary symptoms and lack of referrals

  • 2 replies
  • 29 subscribers

Hello, I am 3 years post oesophagetomy and chemo for oesophageal cancer. Been doing really well, although consultant always reminds me no remission. I started to deteriorate health wise before Xmas, couldn't keep up my gym, walking schedule. I am breathless frequently and just don't feel right. Ultrasound has shown I have a growth on my thyroid. Spoke to my GP today and he says he thinks it is probably begnin. He says he want to make an ENT referral but can't due to Covid19. Do you think I should contact my consultant? 

  • Hi , the simple answer is yes you can try but be prepared for having a hard time getting through.

    I have a number of Consultant friends and their departments are working as best as they can but the main issue they are having is the lack of staff due to so many being off 7-14 days did to having virus symptoms,

    Give it a go, but I would take some comfort in what your GP is saying especially if he/she knows your history well.


    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • Thank you. We have decided to just email him to ensure his records are up to date as certain my 6 monthly check will be rearranged. Thanks for replying. 
