Temperature goes up on a night and coughing

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  • 29 subscribers

Hello my husband has just finished his chemo last week. He is on IV and cap for 2 weeks the one week off. He has started a week ago coughing and his temperature is okay all day then starts to spike at night. Giving him paracetamol to help. Rang 111 and just tell me to give him paracetamol the world has gone mad. It could be a chest infection but just been told to isolate. Has anyone else had or having these symptoms. He hasn’t left the house since 2 weeks ago and me and our children haven’t. Thanks for reading just don’t know what to do x

  • Sorry to hear this and as you see, getting answers at the moment is not straight forward.

    I am 4 1/2 years post treatment but what your husband has been experiencing I can say yes to on a number of occasions. Low level infection I was told and my immune system was working harder to fight them......with paracetamol these were ok 

    It was when my temperature went over the normal lever and stayed there and kept rising that things became a problem.

    As he is still under the care of his medical team I would call his Specialist Nurse or his GP.

    I am also in the ‘at risk’ group and my GP phoned me during the week to check that I was ‘behaving myself’ but she did say to only phone 111 if I was showing all the signs of the virus, for everything else call the practice and 999 only in an emergency.

    Keep pushing the doors.

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • Hi . Were you given an emergency chemo contact card/number? If so give them a ring. I was told it wasn’t just for emergencies but for help and reassurance and not to take paracetamol without ringing them so they can get accurate temperature levels from you.

    Chemo has lots of side effects but can also cause some serious issues so please try and speak to a member of the chemo team rather than the generic 111.

    Hope he starts to feel better soon

    Take care

    Karen x

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm