change of job role due to covid...

  • 2 replies
  • 30 subscribers

Hi all, Im just wondering if anyone has any advice about a work related query. I was diagnosed with bowel cancer two years ago aged 34 with 2 young children. I had the and 6 months of chemo. I have quite severe neuropathy in my legs as a result, but other than that I am mostly healed. I usually work in a paediatric clinic, which has now closed due to covid. I am being redeployed to work in a hospital, which in my previous life I probably would have quite enjoyed, but post-cancer I am really scared of this. Even driving past the hospital makes me feel sick. Having to go there for any reason at all usually involves lots of tears and me throwing up when I enter the building. I understand that we need to be re-deployed,but I dont want want to work in an environment that makes me physically ill. Work are supportive, but as I don't fall into one of the at risk groups, the rules are that I have to go along with everyone else. I'm stressed! I've been told to give it a try, which I will happily do but I know it will make me ill. I usually take beta blockers on day when I have to go into the hospital which is very rarely....Im not keen on having to rely on these.

I know this is trivial  in comparison to the problems  others are facing at the moment, but any ideas or advice would be welcome.

Jodie xxx

  • Hi Jodie and welcome to this corner of the Community.

    This is a very difficult question for anyone to answer and even more so due to the unprecedented circumstances the NHS is in.

    I think you do need to try and talk with your GP as you are highlighting issues that may happen as a result of your redeployment. I think that you may well be able to request a talk with Occupational Health but I am not an expert in this.

    It looks like your contract of employment details that you can be redeployed and under the circumstances they will look to implements this.

    You could try our various Macmillan Support Line Services on 0808 808 00 00 This service covers Emotional Support, Financial Support and Work Guidance mostly open 8.00 to 8.00 but check the link......BUT as you imagine the service is very busy so you may well have to try a number of times.

    ((hugs)) from a safe distance.

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • Hi Jodie

    Im sorry to hear about this and do feel for you.  Cancer and recovery of cancer is a tough enough journey without this stress! 

    I previously worked in HR for the NHS so am quite familiar with their policies.  This is an unprecedented situation (coronavirus) so I would think that  they wont have a policy in place. 

    First of all, are you a member of the trade union? If so, ring them and they will take up your case with the NHS and also advise you.

    If not, dont worry. I would send an email outlining your situation to your Line Manager copying in HR. Explain that working in paediatrics is already causing you problems and you are having to use medication.  If you get nowhere mutually agree a weeks trial woth agreement that if you are having problems still you will be redeployed elsewhere immediately. 

     If after then it's still a problem obtain a GP letter to give you breathing space. 

    Thinking of you x