Post treatment scans

  • 1 reply
  • 30 subscribers

Hi everyone. Just wondering if post treatment check ups and scans in particular are currently still going ahead? I'm due a 6 monthly scan around the end of April ish. Are appointments being cancelled? Don't really fancy the 2 hour round trip to sit in a hospital waiting room for half an hour or more with lots of other anxious people who have been self isolating/social distancing. I'm anxious enough already! But also petrified it will get postponed! I need to know if I'm alright or not. Sorry, lots of anxiety about right now. Take care everyone. Sparky2 xxxx

  • Good question

    I had a  routine  3 monthly CT scan appointment booked for this Fri 27/3 but decided to cancel it, due to my being " extremely vulnerable", according to

    Really didn't know what to do for best. Like you, I wanted to know if I'm still OK. I have a clinic appt on 9/4 which will probably go ahead- by phone -  but when I'll next get a scan now, who knows?

    Fear of the unknown is the worst thing. Once we know what we're facing, we find the strength to deal with it.