Radiotherapy and covid-19

  • 2 replies
  • 28 subscribers

Hi there,

I’m new here and I’m trying to work out if I’m being incredibly paranoid or overly anxious. I’ve had radiotherapy following lumpectomies to both breasts and am a little concerned about my lungs and if I could possibly be at risk of complications if I were to get covid-19. I wouldn’t worry if it was only the one side of my chest but as it’s both I can’t help but be slightly on edge about it. I finished treatment to the last one 16 months ago. 

Any thoughts on this would be very much appreciated, thanks. 

  • Hi

    Did you do DIBH when you had radiotherapy? 

    Where there's hope, there's life!
  • Hi  yes, this is all very confusing and I would always recommend talking with your team as every cancer case is individual and the following information may well be out of date.

    This Information from the government is all encompassing and is a good guide what to look out for and what you should or should not do and Macmillan have also provided some information and answered some key questions around cancer and coronavirus (COVID-19).

    I was diagnosed in 1999 with a rare type of Skin NHL and i am now over 4 1/2 years post my last treatment and in remission.

    The advise for me from my team based on me being a blood cancer patient who has a reduced immune system "...... you are basically back into a three+ months isolation controlling everyone I come in contract with and where and what I do.

    She also said ” we don't know how you would react to this virus - let’s be safe and not sorry”

    Not much help for you - sorry..... but this virus can not be underestimated - talk with your team.

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

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