In remission and Covid-19. Am i high risk?

  • 6 replies
  • 28 subscribers

Hi, newbie here.

To cut a very long story short, i was diagnosed with lymphoma in 2011 and after chemo and 2 major abdominal operations (as it perforated my bowel), i have been cancer free for almost 8 years. It left me with a myriad of health conditions: forced early menopause, a chronic bowel condition. I am permanently on a prescribed iron supplement, have injections for a vit b12 deficiency and I have the annual flu jab. I usually manage my conditions well but I am in sen education working in close contact with the pupils and expected to get on with it as a keyworker. Am I high risk for Covid-19?

  • Hi  and welcome to our corner of the Community.

    Yes, this is all very confusing and I would always recommend talking with your team as every NHL case is individual.

    this advice from the government is encompassing and is a good guide what to look out for and what you should or should not do and Macmillan have also provided some information and answered some key questions around cancer and coronavirus (COVID-19).

    This link takes you to the most up to date Bloodwise information about the Coronavirus.

    Having had Lymphoma, having other health issues and being required to have the annual Flu jab would suggest you in the "at increased risk" category for social distancing. 

    I was diagnosed in 1999 with a rare type of Skin NHL and if you hit my Community name you will see my story.

    i am now over 4 1/2 years post my second Allo Stem Cell Transplant, in remission and even a few weeks back my Late Effects Nurse said   “……you need to think that you have just come through your Allo SCT again and take exactly the same precautions as you did then........”   so I am basically back into a three+ months isolation controlling everyone I come in contract with and where and what I do.

    She also said ”……. once a blood cancer patient always a blood cancer patient"......... "All the treatment you have had has indeed had a long lasting effect on the effectiveness of your immune system even although your bloods are ok with a few at the lower limit range of acceptable, like any virus you are at risk but this one we don’t know how a post Allo SCT Patient will react - let’s be safe and not sorry”

    Not much help for you - sorry. But this virus can not be underestimated - talk with your team.

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • FormerMember


    You are high risk by virtue of needing the flu jab. If you are in SEN your school should only be operating with around 10% of pupils. Staff in high risk categories should be working from home. Schools should not expect all staff to be in.  The NEU has published guidance to this effect today.

    Hope that helps M x 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thank you both for your advice and support. I contacted my gp today and they confirmed that I am in the vulnerable category. Shocked but relieved too. I will be gratefully working from home. 

  • FormerMember

    I’m going to throw a shocker at you . I’m in remission from HCL 5 yrs and nurse specialist said there only dealing with respiratory and my bloods are normal so I can carry on following the guidelines . I asked about my immune system and she had no clue ..

    so I’ve not been put on the new shielding list I’m furious as I can’t work from home do I have to go to work in a warehouse ok masks , sanitiser but social distancing is not always possible .. 

    Im complaining about the decision as that is a joke .

    my bloods are a yr old  so not up to date .

    last time I had chemo well the first time I should say I had retuximab and my platelets dropped to 2 my bp crashed my body temp was above 40 .. my wife was told to contact Someone or my mum . Luckily by 7 they were upto 4 and I was sitting up eating toast and drinking tea . So I’m in shock they would take a chance on any remission patients .

    anyway sorry about the dramatic entrance ..

    pentastatin though was actually better for and papaya extract was a good help (not a cure ) but it’s natural goodness just helped me feel a little better during chemo .

    right calm 

    how is everyone doing regards this horrible situation 

  • Hi  and welcome to this corner of the Community. It looks like there are no hard and fast rules this time round.

    Although up in Scotland my understanding is that everyone who were on the original Shielding list are still on the list and are receiving Scottish Government updates by email or SMS but are not ‘required’ to follow the original Shielding guidelines.

    It looks like the decision on individual vulnerability is being left up to people’s own clinical teams and indeed I am continually reminded that I have to be very careful but at the same time live ‘life’ as best as I can adhering to the government guidelines and restrictions.

    Not much help for you I am afraid but keep asking your questions as it looks like your team have not developed a clear set of criteria for advising people.

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Thehighlander

    Hi thanks for responding the chief medical officer says anyone with a pre-existing blood cancer at any stage of treatment is to be considered extremely vulnerable and is not to go to work if they can’t work from home .ok you could argue not having chemo but my bloods are a yr out of date .. I’ve had no letter , email txt saying I’m no longer classed as high risk . I was always told immune system is compromised which if it is the case Those in the same boat are still high risk .  
    my team think I should be ok if I follow the guidelines . But I’d like the evidence that shows this not just my yr old blood work I’m talking actual evidence covid gives us a mild flu like symptoms ..

    last I checked China had few die from a pre-existing blood cancer (not sure if in remission never said ) 

    Anyway thanks again