Crazy Hair after treatment!!

  • 29 replies
  • 31 subscribers

Hi guys,

So I finished treatment for breast cancer in August last yr. Had 2 types of chemo, the second being more aggressive followed by op and then 15 days intensive radio therapy.

Physically I have recovered pretty well as I began training and working out before radio therapy and have continued.

Here's my issue hair has grown back in a way that I don't understand!!!. I don't care about the colour but b4 treatment I had very long straight hair that I could do anything with. Now my hair looks like a cross between an afro and a 1940's dodgy perm!!!

I keep trying different products to soften it..coconut oil, argon oil, and then try and use mousse, gel to style it but NOTHING is working!!!! It's at least a good 4 inches long on top but just sticks up like bloody Einstien!!!! 

I did find the funny side to it at first but now its really getting me down as I have no idea what to do with it to tame and soften it.

So any advise from you guys would be great koz I really don't want to cut it and have short hair.

Thanks in advance

Annie xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    I really sympathise with women about this. Hair is so much more important to you. Just to make you feel really jealous here’s my story. Before I was gradually going grey at the temples, very slowly over quite a few years.

    After chemo it grew back, exactly the same, except - no grey! Unfortunately it didn’t miraculously regrow on top of my bonce. Still have a huge bald spot. Also I think after the initial re-growth the grey is slowly returning. 

  • FormerMember

    Hello Annie

    I'm sorry you have had such a rough time. I had breast cancer in 2013 and had a lumpectomy, 6 courses of FEC-T, three weeks of radiotherapy plus 18 injections of herceptin. My hair was always fairly straight and very thick but it grew back just like a Brillo pad! However, the good news is that this is apparently normal because the chemo distorts the hair shaft which makes the hair grow curly. The even better news is that my hair did eventually revert to normal, although not quite as thick and a bit finer in texture. Whilst I was living with the curls I used lots of conditioner after shampooing and John Freida frizzeze. I kept my hair quite short too. It took about a year to improve. Hope this helps. Good luck in your journey. Barbara x

    P.S. I don't know how old you are but I was 65 when I started on my own journey! 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Carolyn28

    Thank you so much Carolyn!!!

    I knew from the info that my hair could be different but I honestly thought that maybe it was just me! Maybe I was the exception to the rule, so it's so good to know that I'm not a 1 hair wonder!!!

    Don't get me wrong it would be gr8 if non of us had to go through these extremes...especially after all we've been through, but at least I know see that this can unfortunately be the norm for many women after treatment.

    Thank you so much for your response and advise, will deffo be checking out those products from waitrose, and the more we talk about the extremes, the more we can share helpful info and tips with each other.

    Thanks again huni, hope your well and that your enjoying your hair now

    Big love and healing karma,

    Annie xxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thank you soooo much Sue!!!!

    You are bang right because of all the effects of treatment my hair is now the constant reminder of what I went through! I haven't had reconstructive surgery and to be honest I don't think I will. I have been so surprised at my own reaction to this, but I have accepted and embrace my new body so much more then my hair!!!

    My hair has always been an important part of how I view myself, plus the fun I've always had with it. So to find myself with a head of hair that I don't recognise or understand has really got me down at the time when I should be happy about my all clear.

    Love the Aussie products anyway, but will deffo chck out the frizz range and now its got a lot longer will look at 'relaxing' it.

    Thank you so much for your help and advise huni your a star.

    Big love and healing karma

    Annie xxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thanks Anna,

    I'm so glad I now started this thread because I've checked sooo many things online to find info on this problem, but came back with no answers or help!!!

    We all get told during treatment that our hair may be different, but don't get any info or help on the extremes of hair growth

    I always had very thick long hair but now its super thick and grows soooo quickly!!!

    I think the only way to know how to deal with this is by talking to each other and sharing helpful ideas. I'm rather overwhelmed at the response to this post as I honestly believed it was just ME an that i'd got the short end of the straw

    Been some great responses to this post so lots of products I'm gonna try out, and I think once spring starts (and I take my big woolly hat of) properly I'll find a good hairdresser to do a "relaxing" treatment on it. Same as our black sisters do on their hair. Just need to find a great, reputable hairdresser who knows what they're doing. 

    Thank you so much for your response, and hope you also find what helps babe

    Big love Annie xxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hey Springiscoming,

    Thank you so much for your reply!! I feel so much better knowing that it CAN be the norm for lots of women. I've started making a list of products suggested by all the girls on here to try out. Obviously unless you know whats happening you don't know what to do to deal with it.

    And the whole "Head rubbing" malarky and people laffing is cute for a while....but then really gets ya down!!

    Love Aveena products but never throught about the hair products after treatment. My hair has always grown quickly but now it's gone turbo

    Love coconut oil but like you said, it makes your hair greasy and makes light grey look very dark.

    Thank you so much for your response huni and hope you get to where you wana be with your hair huni.

    Big love and healing karma babe


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thank you Cal53!!

    I'm learning so much from you guys as I had no idea what would happen with my hair after treatment.

    I have been reluctant to cut it but you and a few others have said that they have lost the 'crazy' einstien curlnafter cutting it so I might just try a Pixie cut. My hair was always a quick grower, but now its turbo so I'm sure it'll grow back quick again after a cut.

    Thank you so much for your input, big love and healing karma,


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to janangel6

    Thank you so much Jan!!!!

    It's just good to finally know whats going on with my hair. Like I've told others I knew my hair may be slightly different after treatment, but had NO IDEA just how much it can change!!! It's like learning all over again with something that was the norm in your life.

    Thank you for the advice and suggestions, love Aussie products andbwill deffo go back to them!

    Big love and healing karma huni


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thank you Karen for your response

    To be honest I delt with my skinhead so much better then I am now with this mass of hair!!!!!

    As I couldn't find any info anywhere to help me understand it and so deal with it I'm still wearing 2 hats!!

    But the guys on here have been great and shared so much good advise and suggestions. So glad I made this post now.

    I'm more then willing to adapt to my new hair, as we all have to with various other things, but it's better if you have the right 'tools' to deal with it and know what your doing.

    Big love and healing karma babe


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thank you Carrac for your response

    I'm so happy now I made this post koz you guys have been great helping out!!!

    It's good to know I'm not some 'one off' who got mugged off by chemo

    Lot's of help with products and what to do that I couldn't find anywhere else.

    Of course I'm so happy and grateful that treatment worked, but my hair feels like a constant reminder of what i went through when I just want to move on and leave it behind me.

    But with all the help you guys have given I'm sure myself and my hair will start our own a much more controlled way!!

    Big love and healing karma huni
