Crazy Hair after treatment!!

  • 29 replies
  • 31 subscribers

Hi guys,

So I finished treatment for breast cancer in August last yr. Had 2 types of chemo, the second being more aggressive followed by op and then 15 days intensive radio therapy.

Physically I have recovered pretty well as I began training and working out before radio therapy and have continued.

Here's my issue hair has grown back in a way that I don't understand!!!. I don't care about the colour but b4 treatment I had very long straight hair that I could do anything with. Now my hair looks like a cross between an afro and a 1940's dodgy perm!!!

I keep trying different products to soften it..coconut oil, argon oil, and then try and use mousse, gel to style it but NOTHING is working!!!! It's at least a good 4 inches long on top but just sticks up like bloody Einstien!!!! 

I did find the funny side to it at first but now its really getting me down as I have no idea what to do with it to tame and soften it.

So any advise from you guys would be great koz I really don't want to cut it and have short hair.

Thanks in advance

Annie xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Carolyn28

    Hi there Carolyn

    My mum went through something similar, her hair was like wire, I have a 100% organic unrefined shea butter, which we use as a full head treatment, every week or so and allow the goodness to soak deep [edited by admin] :)

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thank you Barabera!!

    I was diagnosed at 48 huni and I'm 50 now.

    All the info you guys have shared has really made me feel so much better. I suppose I'm learning now that like all things after cancer, you have to have patience. 

    I just assumed that this new hair was what I would have for life and that i'd have to put up with it.

    All the info given has been great and it's been lovely to finally chat with others who understand

    Thnk you again

    Annie xxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Dear All, 

    Sometines lovely kind  people buy us products or “things” that are lovely but you just cant use because skin/scalp sensitive etc 

    So maybe if you find a good hairdresser thst understands chemo hair you could ask for a voucher. 

    Also Boots vouchers useful 

    Sometimes we really need something useful like that rather than flowers or token pressies that require maintenance and you have to look at which always remind me I am under the weather. 

    Be brave and if someone asks what can they get you say a voucher. 

    Am determined to get off the bloody sofa in next half hour and get some sun!!!! Dog walk in the sunshine! 

    Much love to all xxxxx 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    I tend to buy the products from Boots as they frequently have offers on them which is useful as they are quite expensive.  When my hair was curly in damp weather it used to turn to a frizz in no time so I used a beanie to cover it.

    I do not look back as I find there is no mileage in this for me as I can't change anything that has happened.  I see my new hair as a new challenge and I have already come to terms with it as I have no alternative but do so.  At the same time from time to time I briefly wonder if there are anymore hidden surprises that might appear but again if they do they do and there's nothing I can do about it but just adapt to incorporate them into my new post cancer life.

    At the moment so much has gone wrong blocked kitchen outside drain, boiler stopped working twice,curtain rail fell down that I just started finding it funny.  Today I started getting rather fed up with it all when I found one of car tyres was flat but that's just life. It fleetingly crossed my mind that I would be glad to have a partner to help me out as I live by myself.  I have sorted them all out apart from the curtain rail which will be solved next week.  I also stopped feeling sorry for myself seeing the problems as diversions from my health problems.

    Take care,


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Well I've learned a lot from this thread too - I had no idea that chemo distorts the hair shaft, and now I'm sure that it can happen with radiotherapy too. We just have to remember that we are the lucky ones, and stuff the hair (to a certain extent!) One of my closest friends has just a few weeks left, and I am in awe of her dignity and pride in herself. It takes us all differently, but it is a badge of honour that we are making our way through one of the most difficult times in life.

    Be proud of your achievements, try your pixie cut (I bet it will look great) know that you have changed in many ways and that people admire your courage. You are unique and worthy of admiration.

    Sue xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi, I'm undergoing chemo for multiple myeloma, and I laughed when I saw your post. This is because I often call myself Einstein as well. My hair is always standing up ! I oil it with baby hair oil before I wash it and then use a leave in serum and it still behaves weird! It gets me down as well, especially when people say that I had lovely hair 'before'

  • FormerMember

    Hi Annie.

      I had kinky, curly hair before BC. Now  its straight. 

    What worked for me and my curls is.....

    After you wash your hair ( try to use sulfate free shampoo & cond.)

    Use a leave-in conditioner.  Garnier Fructis, sleek and shine.  And OI oil. ( any oil you prefer would work,  Aragon, coconut). Put in a generous amount.  I then bend over and scrunch it all in. My key,  is mega hold hairspray WHILE THE HAIR IS WET. This seals it from becoming frizzy.  I like to twirl a couple of 1/2 inch hair stands into a ringlet, around the head.   You look ridiculous with Lityle Bo-peep, crunchy wet hair!! I usually do this the night before i need it to look good.  After is dried, you uncrunch it with your hands, and seperate the twirls into smaller pieces,  and fluff it out.  

    Don't brush your hair.  The next day,  Get your hands wet, or a spray water bottle to get the hair slightly wet.  This kind reactivates the product in your hair,  too calm differen the frizzys.

    Satin pillow cover or sleeping cap,  is good for your hair. Saves the pulling of the hair. 

  • FormerMember

    Hello! Did you try Lanolin Oil? It traps water perfectly thus moisturize hair really well, also it's good for skin.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Annie

    I truly simpathise with you as i have exactly the same issue. 

    Four years ago i had radiotheraphy to the whole brain All my Waist length very STRAIGHT hair fell out. 

    After sometime my hair started to regrow but now its extremely FRIZZY . The hairdresser told me my hair was AFRICAN hair! But i am white and British i replied!

    Ive spent so much money trying every kind of treatment to de frizz and soften my hair.

    Yesterday i found the secret that works for me. I am using equal parts of water and organic CYDER VINEGAR that i spray all over my hair several times a day.

    My hair is really soft and not frizzy now!

    Give it ago what can you loose!

    Good luck
