Mental health step backwards

  • 5 replies
  • 29 subscribers

Hi everyone,

I don't even really know what I mean and what I want to say.

I found out a few months ago I was pregnant after my treatment but unfortunately on scan found out that I've miscarried.

I had been having a lot of anxiety and panic attacks which had alleviated but now feel like I'm back at square one.

The miscarriage has done serious damage to my relationship. I wasn't mentally coping well with the pregnancy because of all the sickness. I started getting flashbacks to when I was sick and it was a nightmare.

Anyway, after the pregnancy loss, I feel I have just fallen back to square one mentally with the anxiety and panic. 

I'm due to start a new job next month and think I've generated bad feeling with the new company because they kept trying to move my start date forward when I'm still on my notice period and that's stressing me too.

I don't really know what I'm trying to say, I guess that it's just been a horrendous year and I don't know how to cope. Everything was on the up but after the pregnancy and loss, I feel like I've fallen down a mountain and have no will to get back up again.

I contacted my hospital's counselling service again as my counsellor retired but have heard nothing back.

What do I do? I really feel like I can't pick myself up or go on and feel like I'm being pathetic xxx

  • FormerMember

    Oh darling what a terrible time you have had. No wonder you feel so down. Have you tried antidisspresents.i can't advise you, but take one day at a time peace be with you. We are always hear for a chat ❤️

  • hi @C-Mac  

    you do need to talk to someone, you've considered counselling, try the helpline  0808 808 0000

    the nurses are so kind and sympathetic to our situations, cancer treatment has a massive impact on our lives.

    The three other things you mention are all high up on the list of most stressful life changing events, job change, relationship issues and pregnancy. You really are being blitzed from every direction.

    Do talk to your GP but if you're lucid enough to seek help I think you should be able to work through all this without resorting to drug therapy, yet.

    Offloading is immensely therapeutic. Call the hotline. Get it off your chest.

    Then come back for a chat with us. I just had a quick check back and I'm sorry I don't know much about Hodgkins Lymphoma, I'm from the breast group, but I'm more than happy to chat.

    sorry to hear you're going through such a bad time, try not to be fearful about the new job and new team, I don't think you've offended them, they're just trying their luck at getting you in sooner, you've clearly got skills they need, and that's a huge positive to hold on to.

    take care and let me know how you feel after you've spoken to the nurses on the helpline



     real life success stories to remind you that people do survive breast cancer

    Dr Peter Harvey


  • FormerMember
    1. Hi, I know your post was four years ago, I'm new on here and trying too figure my life out. Your story really got to me and I pray that after four years you are in a happy part of your life Hearts 
  • Hi  and welcome across to this little corner of the community.

    I'm new on here and trying too figure my life out.

    Yes, the post treatment journey is sometimes hard to navigate and ‘get’ but you may find it helpful to make a cuppa and have a look at this great paper After Treatment Finishes - Then What? by Dr Peter Harvey. As it highlights the milestones of the post treatment recovery.

    There are a number of discussions in the group and this one below may be a good one to look at.

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Thehighlander

    Hi, Thankyou so much for the paper, it was a huge help, I think I should read it every Sunday night to prepare me for the week ahead. I've also ordered a cancer survival book that was recommended to me, so hopefully training my mindset will start to help me see things differently Pray