Advice needed

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Hello me again - sorry to be constantly bombarding with questions but as it’s the week end stoma nurses aren’t on call to help advise. 
So Wednesday I started feeling like I had a UTI (another major health issue I have been unfortunate to experience over the last 2 years and has been investigated and concluded I have interstitial cystitis which they put me on tablets for - but that’s another story!) so I rang the dr and they prescribed antibiotics which have helped a little, however on Friday I started experiencing pain in my tummy (opposite side to my stoma) feeling nauseous and felt the need to go to the loo where I proceeded to pass very pale what I would say is faeces or mucus from my bottom, this did relieve the pain for a little but it came back and I have a feeling of needing to push down in my bottom but nothing is coming out - could I have a mucus blockage and that’s what the pain is? Or maybe side effects from the antibiotics?  I have started having a small amount of rectal leakage which obviously isn’t the best especially if out and about- how do people deal with this? I’ve heard of anal plugs? I didn’t eat much yesterday as this made the pain worse and instead drank loads to keep hydrated but my output is very loose- again could this be antibiotic effect? I don’t want to take Imodium to thicken output incase this effects everything ! 
Think it’ll be a dr and stoma nurse call for me tomorrow Face palm tone1‍♀️ x 

  • Hi Charlotte  

    Don’t worry about asking as many questions as you need to in the group! You are new to all of this and it takes time to get to grips with everything.

    It’s actually common to pass mucus or faeces from your bottom-we still produce the same mucus inside which we used to which enabled stools to pass from our bottom in pre stoma days, I don’t have this with an end colostomy, but I do occasionally feel the urge to have a poo, even after nearly 5 years! Our bodies still remember how things used to be.

    This can give some discomfort and this usually passes if you sit on the loo. And yes, you might pass something. Loose output from your stoma could well be a result of the antibiotics-they have the same effect on me if I have them now. I personally would take immodium but I can understand you not wanting to do this just yet. It should improve when you finish your course of tablets. 

    Because I have an end colostomy, I am sewn up inside my rectum, so I don’t have any leakage myself, but hopefully someone else might be able to tell you their experience of this happening. I haven’t read in the group about anal plugs for this though. 

    My experience of gps is that they are remarkably uninformed about stomas of any sort, so my first port of call would be your stoma nurse for some reassurance. Mine was brilliant in those early days. What I can say is that everything you have mentioned in your post sounds very normal. I hope things get better for you but keep us posted if you can.

    Sarah xx

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