Upcoming procedure

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  • 34 subscribers

I’m due to have a lower anterior resection, how do you all cope with fears and anxiety, i suffer with anxiety anyway and so will be heightened on the day.

Currently been given some diazepam i just hope it’s enough to get me through on the day.

Be good to hear your experiences 

  • Hello Double G,

    I had vulva cancer in 2022 and my cancer nurse referred me to the complimentary medicine team.  My anxiety levels were through the roof as I had never been in hospital since I was born 61 years ago!  I had tried prescription tablets from the GP but they just made me feel out of it.  The complementary medicine team made an inhaler for me (cedar oil, ylang-ylang and lavender, I was to use it ever time I could feel my anxiety rising.  It was marvellous and I don’t think I would have got through everything without it.  Could your cancer nurse advise you on this or maybe try the Macmillian nurse, they are excellent and if they don’t know something they will find out for you. All the best Sharon x

  • Hi Sharon, Thanks for the reply, I’ve never heard of this, are you in the UK? In fact i’m going in for my pre-op tomorrow so i can ask then. If it works then that’s great!

  • Hi, yes I’m in the UK,Essex but because my cancer was so rare (it was growing outside the body) my case was taken over by the Royal London. The complementary medicine team were fantastic. Another thing they do which helped me is meditation which brings down your stress levels. It’s on YouTube, search Neil Browne, he runs the department and there are 4 sessions, I found them very good. Please let me know how you get on tomorrow.

  • Thanks for the info, i wonder if there’s a complementary medicine team at most hospitals, if if it’s specific to the royal london? i’ve heard meditation is supposed to be good. Thanks for asking, it’s only really to see if you’re fit for the op, no reason why i shouldn’t be, but not to say nerves might kick in. I think i get this fear from my dad, a big butch ex rugby player but scared of hospital, he needs stuff sorting now, but won’t go, would rather suffer in pain daily.