Colostomy & gallbladder disease

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New ostomate, approx 5 weeks ago with some teething issues. Pretty sure I have a fat malabsorption issue and I have a history of gallstones. Before I was dx with cancer I was scheduled to have it removed but that was suspended as not the most important thing at the time. I've been blessed to have a good response to therapy and this led to removal of the offending tumour. Still early days for sure though. Unfortunately tumor was adhered to splenic flexure so that had to go. 

I have noted that I have loads of fatty output which is causing horrendous leaks at the moment. Working on cutting it down but it seems no matter how little fat I eat it still goes straight through and causes problems. At the point where I am having biliary colic 30 minutes after food, regardless of what it is. 

Anyway, my question: anyone had similar issues and had a cholecystectomy to deal with the gallbladder? If so, did it improve the fatty output at all? 

My current thought is that it's going to have to go. The vomiting puts me at risk of adrenal crisis (immuno side effects, manageable but only if I'm not puking my guts up!). I have an ultrasound next week to look at it, because obviously CT doesn't usually show up gallstones etc. 

Also, anyone got any recommendations on a pouch that holds up well under fatty output? I'm using Hollister convex bags at the moment. Convex shape is good but not sure if it's the right adhesive type etc

  • Hi  and welcome to our group.

    I have a similar story to tell. When I was diagnosed with cervical cancer, the scan revealed gallstones, but it was decided to leave them unless I had any major issues, and concentrate on the cancer.

    My gallbladder didn’t give me any issues until last year when I started to feel unwell and became jaundiced. I was admitted to hospital and a Ct scan showed that a gallstone had blocked my bile duct. I had an ERCP procedure to try to dislodge the stone, but this failed. I had the same procedure tried again and luckily the stone was dislodged.

    I was then scheduled for a laparoscopic cholecystectomy, which I had last September. My surgeon warned that it might need to be open surgery as I had already been through a total pelvic exenteration with colostomy and urostomy in 2020. I was able to have the keyhole surgery but it was a long and complex op for me due to adhesions following my previous surgery.

    Pathology results showed chronic cholecystitis, but nothing more sinister. I recovered well, and have had no issues since then. I use Salts confidence Be bags as I like their compact size and they are flat. I find that if I eat fatty food I have increased output, pancaking and leakage but I’m reluctant to move to a different bag because these do suit my needs in other ways. I try to eat a balanced diet with a lot of fruit and veg and limit any fatty food, which definitely helps with the output. 

    With my urostomy I like extra adhesion, so I use products which can also be used with my colostomy bag-flange extenders (Brava Elastic Strips) and extra adhesive in the form of Fusion Independence applicators where the adhesive is impregnated onto a “lollipop” stick and I wipe my skin around the stoma prior to putting on a new bag. I have found these 2 products to be a complete game changer for me, so you might want to give them a try? 

    I wondered if you are going to be tested for possible Bile Malabsorption? I have a friend who was diagnosed with this who takes medication to control it. I hope others will come along and share any other relevant experience they may have-I’m very glad I’ve had my gallbladder removed, as the attacks I was having were so unpleasant. 

    Sarah xx

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  • Ah thank you for the suggestions re bags. I'm very new to the whole concept and only really getting to grips with caring for it now. It seems to me like there's a lot of products out there to navigate around. So, I really appreciate the experience you're offering. 

    I haven't considered bile malabsorption, but I will have a read about it. The immunotherapy has done a number on quite a few areas, so it could be I've got something else going on that hasn't been picked up by monitoring yet. I do think the gallbladder is the source of the pain I've been having but that's not to say that's all there is going on. My case has been so complex that my doctors all scratch their heads over making treatment decisions. I imagine the prospect of cholecystectomy might have a few of them blink a few times. 

    I'm certainly open to experiences and thoughts from others. Anything to help make this easier. The leaks are driving me crazy. Stoma Nurses told me 2-3 changes a day when it all settles down, but most days I'm hitting 5-7. 

  • Coloplast convex with Brava elastic strips. Would plug a small hole in the Hoover Dam! Thorough skin prep is essential beforehand.
