colonoscopy via stoma

  • 6 replies
  • 35 subscribers

Hi there,

Dad is due to have his first colonoscopy check up post 2022 surgery. He's doing fine with his current bags but, on advise, I got him some drainable bags to use when he takes the awful bowel prep tomorrow eve. He's not so keen to use but I thought it may be better than having to change his current bags more frequently. He had a really rough time prior to surgery having to deal with the effects of the prep and I hoped to get some feedback from any of you who've had experience of this. Many thanks in advance.

  • Hello bluestar,

    My last colonoscopy was via the stoma and it was confirmed that bowel prep wasn't necessary as the colon was effectively clear anyway. However, I also have a loop ileostomy. For the sake of a phone call it is worth checking. 


  • Hi  

    It’s a good idea to have drainable bags at the ready, because it will be much easier to manage rather than quick filling bags. My understanding is that the bowel prep is required even with a stoma, so if you’ve been provided with it, that would indicate it is required. No harm in double checking with the doctor today if you feel you need to, and hope everything goes well for your dad.

    Sarah xx

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  • Hi bluesman.

    I have had quite a few colonoscopies through my stoma, a colostomy. You definitely need the bowel cleanse beforehand. Twice after mine it wasn't clean enough so I had to have it repeated. The cleanse I was given was Picolax, which I understand is not the favourite. For my last one I was given Clean Prep which was very effective. I  actually find colonoscopies through my stoma less uncomfortable than the normal way.


  • Sorry bluestar. My phone changed it to bluesman!!

  • Hi Kim,

    thank you so much for your words of wisdom.  I'm hoping Dad finds it easier .... he isn't very forthcoming with conversation but I know it was a struggle with the prep jollop... you'd think they'd make it nicer !!!

    Best regards  

  • I was sent the bowel prep but my stoma nurse was adamant that it was not required. I think it was because the ileostomy meant that the colostomy had nothing to do and my colon was effectively redundant. The colonoscopy team were unsure but after some discussion agreed that this was correct. I imagine that the routine had not been challenged before.
