Tips for using this forum

  • 3 replies
  • 11 subscribers

Welcome to the LGBTQIA+ Forum. We hope you’ll find comfort and support in this safe space.

All our forums on the Online Community are anonymous and open to everyone, however, we know that sometimes a person’s identity can impact their personal cancer journey. This could be because they have experienced racial health inequalities, breakdown in relationships and family dynamics, religious and cultural challenges, stigmas with their gender and so much more.

As these forums are set up slightly differently from other forums in the Community, we wanted to give some practical tips to help make sure you can navigate to the forum with ease and keep track of forum activity, if you wish.

Bookmarking Forums

Unlike many of our other forums, you do not need to officially join this forum to start a new discussion or reply. This means that the forum will not feature on your Community profile, so the best way to ensure easy access to the forum would be to bookmark it.

You can bookmark this forum by clicking “Bookmark this forum” as seen in the graphic below.

Any bookmarked forum can be accessed by clicking on the bookmark tab on the top right of your screen.

Forum Notifications

To receive notifications of activity in this forum, you can simply turn on notifications.

Notifications can come in the form of a live notification on your profile and/or an email. Please click here to learn how to manage your Community notifications.

Macmillan’s Online Community is here to support all communities and we want you to feel comfortable to use this space. If you have any ideas for how we can develop this group so you feel supported, please email