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Whether you’re here to talk to others, join a group, ask questions or just listen, everyone is here to offer emotional and practical support to help you with your cancer journey.

We know it can sometimes be confusing when you first arrive, with lots of forums and groups to choose from. So this thread is to welcome you, make friends and help you find your way around the site. Whether you are a patient, family member, friend or a carer, feel free to post any thoughts or questions here and other Share users will be happy to help you navigate around the site and find what you are looking for.

  • FormerMember

    Hello LilyoftheValley

    So sorry to hear about your dad's illness. Its horrible isn't it, the shock? I suspect you are correct in thinking that your dad perhaps wont be able to overcome it this time, but Its very difficult to know whether he will be able to come out of hospital at this stage. If he does, it may be possible for him to go into a nursing home. If you and He want him to be cared for at home, there is a lot of help available. Make sure he is assigned a Macmillan nurse, and he/she will be able to guide through all the relevant paths to get equipment, nursing care and any finacial help available.
    Try and take it one day at a time, and spend as much time as you can with your dad.
    Big Hugs Barb x x

  • FormerMember

    I'am new to this so here goes, my wife is currently having treatment for secondary breast cancer which has spread to her brain & lung, and i'am really finding it hard to cope & keep a brave face on for the kids, they are 7 & 9 & we have been as open up front with them as you can be for there age but you can't tell them everything, my head is spinning at the moment and i wondered if talking to someone would help, has anybody any ideas.

  • FormerMember
    Hello everyone. I never thought I'd be posting on a forum like this, but on 10 October I went to my GP with what I thought was a minor urinary problem, and three weeks later it was confirmed that I have metastatic prostate cancer. I'm 55 and nobody is giving me good odds on getting my bus pass at 60.

    It has all come as a shock and the reality took a while to sink in. My main problem right now is keeping my spirits up, and avoiding thinking of what might have been which makes me depressed. I have a very supportive and loving wife, and I hadn't wanted to leave her.

    Currently I'm on hormone treatment but have enrolled on the Stampede Trial at Weston Park Hospital in Sheffield. I had some more tests yesterday and when the results are in they will decide what additional treatments (if any) I will have, That should start in the New Year.

    This experience has increased my respect for those who live with cancer and manage to remain cheerful and positive.

    Thanks for reading, and sorry for sounding rather downbeat!

  • FormerMember


    I have looked at your profile and read your message and am so terribly sorry for your situation and your wife's diagnosis. I notice that no-one has responded on this thread so far, which is a kind of introductory thread for new ones.

    If you have not yet found a thread on here which you can relate to, I suggest you start your own new thread. If you can include your wife's diagnosis and the fact you have children in a brief title, it may attract the attention of those who can best help you.
    Most of us on here, Men included have found that it really helps to talk to others in similar situations, who can understand the pressures we are all under.
    I hope you are able to find friendship and support and comfort, in your difficulties. If you have specific questions you need help with, please post them. I'm sure there are many that will try and help.
    Love & Hugs x x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Silkstone, Paul

    Welcome to the site, but sorry for the reason you need to be here. There are a number of threads already going on Prostate cancer, so if you do a search on Tags using "Prostate" you should be able to locate them. If you find one that you can relate to, I suggest you post a reply on there, and you will come into contact with others in a similar situation. There are a number on here suffering the same thing. You dont actually say where yours ha spread to.

    May I suggest you fill in a profile and brief biography and open it to view? This isn't compulsory, but it may mean more people will respond to you, and it may save you keep answering questions and repeating yourself, if people can view your profile. Have a look at others to get the idea. It can be long or short, its up to you.
    There are some great people on here, the majority are very helpful, friendly and supportive, and I hope you will be able to find friends & comfort. It really does help to talk to others.
    Its very understandable, that you are feeling down at the moment. Who wouldn't? However there is such a great spirit on here, and so many people with a fantastic sense of humour, I am sure you will soon be feeling better.
    Love & Hugs x x

  • FormerMember
    Hello Henrietta B
    Thanks for your reply.

    Got speaking to the Macmillan nurse today and she arranged for the consultant to meet with me. Dad is not going to have any treatment. It wlll be just pallative care. IF he improves any at all and we can get a care package in place, he will be able to come home to his own house, although I have been told that he has six months max, and probably more like three. He told the Doc that he didn't want her to telll him anything more except that the cancer is back. So he doesn't know how long but I think he has worked that out or himself. He was in great form today first smile and laugh I have seen in weeks. I think it was all the talk about maybe coming home. So as the saying goes we'll take one day at a time. I know everyone here is in similar situations. so its good to check out things with others.
    Take care.

    J x
  • FormerMember

    Hi J (lilyofthevalley)

    (Sorry your profile isn't open so dont know your name)
    Very glad to hear that your dad is more cheerful, and that there is at least the possiblity of him getting home. Have you talked to the Mac nurse about the care package you will need in order to look after him? Very often they can get you nursing care, if neccessary. Things like a hospital bed, commode, laundry, oxygen etc whatever is neccessary for him to be comfortable at home, and for you to be able to manage. Just be sure it is all in place before he gets home.
    Keep posting on here, if you find it helps. Its good to talk to others in similar situations. Try searching through some of the threads to find one you can relate to, or start your own.

    Wishing you all the best for you and your dad, and sending ((hugs)) x x

    Barb X

  • FormerMember

    Hello to all

    This is my first go at this so bear with me. My mum was diagnosed with terminal stage 3b lung cancer at the end of August. She had been ill for some time prior to diagnosis with lots of different niggly things. However since the cancer was confirmed things have got much worse and she has probably only had 3 weeks were she has had any quality time. She has suffered terribly with nausea vomiting pain and dreadful gut wrenching wretching. They tried to give her some chemo but had to stop after one cycle. They then gave her 10 days of radiotherapy which ended up taking nearly 4 weeks to do as she was so poorly and had to stop half way through. She has not really eaten anything for almost 4 weeks and is even struggling with ensure drinks the weight is dropping off her and she is only slim to start with. Her symtoms are currently better controlled and this was achieved by putting her on a syringe driver. She has good medical care via hospice macmillan GP and district nurse teams but as one of her carers am finding this all so difficult to watch. the GP has said he will be very surprised if she makes it to xmas and this has just filled me with such dread and fear. I have a young family and cannot motivate myself to do any of the things i should be doing to prepare for xmas. I am spending every possible moment with her and we all remain positive and attempt to make our time together as good as it can be . My mum however has not talked once about her prognosis in fact she has never once discussed her feelings or thoughts about the cancer and only thinks about what will happen next with regards to treatment. I know they are not likely to do anything else as i have attended every appointment with her and have seen her choose to only hear the bits she wants to hear. I am struggling with this as i have the burden of knowledge and understanding but have to still put a smile on my face and play things the way my mum wants to. I dont know whether i am doing the right thing for her but beleive that every person is entitled to manage their cancer in the way that works best for them. This however is so difficult as there is so much i would like to say and do for her but dont feel able. She is such a brave determined woman and has always taken the attitude throughout her life that you just have to get on with whatever is thrown at you i am just so worried that she bearing this terrible illness in a lonely and frightened way and just wanto do the best for her. I watched my sister in law suffer and die from a brain tumour 3 years ago and feel that i should be better prepared to cope with this but to my regret find that i am not. Any information from anyone in this situation would be appreciated especially if you have experience of lung cancer

  • FormerMember


    My heart goes out to you. What a very difficult situation you are in. I have no experience of lung cancer I'm afraid. Perhaps if you search on Tags for Lung, you will find someone you can relate to better. You can copy and paste your post as a reply on one of the lung cancer threads, to save you retyping it all.

    Do you have anyone at home to share your burden with? I understand that you want to do this the way your mum wants to play it, but do you think it is worth just asking her if there is anything she wants to talk about, in case she does but is afraid to bring up the subject? Its a very difficult one isn't it? I really feel for you in this situation, and its terrible that you already went through this only a few years ago with your sister in law.
    I really wish I could offer you some comfort, but feel totally inadequate to do so. You sound as if you are already doing a great job in caring for your mum. I wish it could be easier for you, I wish it wasn't this time of year, I wish I could help you, but wishes are no good, and all I can do is send you love & hugs, and hope you find the strength to get through this awful time. You will be in my thoughts & prayers, as will your mum. x x x

  • FormerMember
    Hi I am a new user. My dad was diagnosed with bowel cancer July 2007 and to complicate things he has altzheimers. Dad had a stent put in April 2008 and he now as a pseudo obstruction which is very rare. The oncologist said there is nothing more he can do for dad and he will either die of a burst bowel or the better option will be if the cancer goes to his liver. I am also fighting to get dads care funded which has been an uphill struggle because the PCT donnot seem to assess him correctly and when it goes to panel it is out of date! Dad seems happy in himself and I have asked to speak or to be there when the macmillan nurse meets dad but because he is not in any pain they are too busy to visit. I rang up the helpline but the thought of travelling to a centre when I have a job and 3 children to look after seems daunting. I lost my baby with a heart defect 16 years ago and my mum had arare condition called alpha 1 anti tripsuim and died 9 years ago but I am finding it very difficult to come to terms with having to lose my dad. I know from previous losses this is the worst time the waiting and the oncologist cannot tell me how long dad has got. I just want to throw my job in and take him home but my two sons aged 12 and 14 are finding hard and my daughter aged 10 is struggling too. I have a supportive partner but trying to deal with my grief and answering all the questions the children ask plus dealing with my daughers grief. ( the boys want to remember him how he was.) Now at work the manager has started to bully me and my GP has given me time off but I am dreading going back to work. I am on happy tablets because I spent 7 hours at the hospital in April getting dad admitted to have his stent fitted at the local hospital and during the early hours of the next morning we were burgled and had money and cars stolen. I was so strssed to see policemen on the doorstep I thought dad had died. Still at least we were not hurt in the robbery. The stent worked for 2 weeks then his abodomen swelled and he had to go back to hospital. I did not know where he was for 23 hours and eventually when I found out ward he was on the healthcare assistant what not tell me how he was because she did not know if I was his daughter! I short chat with the ward sister meant I eventually was informed about his condition. While he was in hospital he fell over and no one rang me the complaint has gone to the chief exec and the hospital are looking into it. I had ameeting with the deputy head of social services who didnt even know what was wrong with dad! On the 2nd November he was moved fron a rehab unit to another building and of course yet again I was not told which caused me more stressed and now I have waited a week for the manager to ring me back about my father. I wanted to checked with the unit that dad would be sent to the cancer place on the site of our local hospital and not to the local hospital. On top of all this I have had to apply for deptyship for dad because I did not haver power of attourney and I have no brothers or sisters to help . HELP I cannot wait for next year things have got to get better!