Just need to talk

  • 2 replies
  • 19 subscribers

Yesterday my husband of 30+ years was diagnosed with terminal colon/liver cancer and I feel so lost. I just want to scream and cry, but I need to support him and our adult children. I just don't know what to do. How will I cope without him, what the best things to do for him and what not to do? 

  • Hi  

    The feeling lost emotion is very common when a loved one gets any cancer diagnosis let alone a terminal one. When my wife was diagnosed the consultant was not exactly brimming with hope but one thing my wife was clear on was that she did not want to have a prognosis - she has incurable Leiomyosarcoma but in her case it responded to chemotherapy and that seems to have rendered things stable - so we live with cancer - well once we got the right help that is.

    One thing I found was I did really need to think about me, I did a living with less stress course that really helped me with trying to focus on things day to day Of course life still likes to throw the occasional curveball and the conscious breathing techniques are great for helping me deal with those as well as getting some relaxation when I can.

    I find looking at Your feelings when someone has cancer quite helpful as being able to recognize these emotions and recognize them as normal and valid can help to make them less overwhelming. 



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  • Oh Freddi, I'm so sorry that this has happened. You must be feeling beyond desperate - I know that feeling. It's very, very early days,  you have to give yourself time to take in what's happening.  Your husband and children will be also be trying to deal with things. You will talk together and cry together these first few days, but you will start to find a way forwards. That might seem impossible at the moment, but you will.  

    Sometimes you need to talk to someone outside of the family. The Macmillan helpline is a great support, as are Maggie's centres.  Keep posting, everyone here understands what you're going through and shared experience can make you feel less alone.

    Sending love and strength... and a hug. (((( ))))